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76.56 The resolution property

We continue the discussion in Derived Categories of Spaces, Section 75.28.

Situation 76.56.1. Let $S$ be a scheme. Let $X$ be a quasi-compact and quasi-separated algebraic space over $S$. Let $V \to X$ be a surjective étale morphism where $V$ is an affine scheme (such a thing exists by Properties of Spaces, Lemma 66.6.3). Choose a commutative diagram

\[ \xymatrix{ V \ar[rd]_\varphi \ar[rr]_ j & & Y \ar[ld]^\pi \\ & X } \]

where $j$ is an open immersion and $\pi $ is a finite morphism of algebraic spaces (such a diagram exists by Lemma 76.34.3). Let $\mathcal{I} \subset \mathcal{O}_ Y$ be a finite type quasi-coherent sheaf of ideals on $Y$ with $V(\mathcal{I}) = Y \setminus j(V)$ (such a sheaf of ideals exists by Limits of Spaces, Lemma 70.14.1).

Lemma 76.56.2. In Situation 76.56.1, assume $X$ is Noetherian. Then for any coherent $\mathcal{O}_ X$-module $\mathcal{F}$ there exist $r \geq 0$, integers $n_1, \ldots , n_ r \geq 0$, and a surjection

\[ \bigoplus \nolimits _{i = 1, \ldots , r} \pi _*(\mathcal{I}^{n_ i}) \longrightarrow \mathcal{F} \]

of $\mathcal{O}_ X$-modules.

Proof. Denote $\omega _{Y/X}$ the coherent $\mathcal{O}_ Y$-module such that there is an isomorphism

\[ \pi _*\omega _{Y/X} \cong \mathop{\mathcal{H}\! \mathit{om}}\nolimits _{\mathcal{O}_ X}(\pi _*\mathcal{O}_ Y, \mathcal{O}_ X) \]

of $\pi _*\mathcal{O}_ Y$-modules, see Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 67.20.10 and Descent on Spaces, Lemma 74.6.6. The canonical map $\mathcal{O}_ X \to \pi _*\mathcal{O}_ Y$ produces a canonical map

\[ \text{Tr}_\pi : \pi _*\omega _{Y/X} \longrightarrow \mathcal{O}_ X \]

Since $V$ is Noetherian affine we may choose sections

\[ s_1, \ldots , s_ r \in \Gamma (V, \pi ^*\mathcal{F} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ Y} \omega _{Y/X}) \]

generating the coherent module $\pi ^*\mathcal{F} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \omega _{Y/X}$ over $V$. By Cohomology of Spaces, Lemma 69.13.4 we can choose integers $n_ i \geq 0$ such that $s_ i$ extends to a map $s_ i' : \mathcal{I}^{n_ i} \to \pi ^*\mathcal{F} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ Y} \omega _{Y/X}$. Pushing to $X$ we obtain maps

\[ \sigma _ i : \pi _*\mathcal{I}^{n_ i} \xrightarrow {\pi _*s'_ i} \pi _*(\pi ^*\mathcal{F} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ Y} \omega _{Y/X}) = \mathcal{F} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \pi _*\omega _{Y/X} \xrightarrow {\text{Tr}_\pi } \mathcal{F} \]

where the equality sign is Cohomology of Spaces, Lemma 69.4.3. To finish the proof we will show that the sum of these maps is surjective.

Let $x \in |X|$ be a point of $X$. Let $v \in |V|$ be a point mapping to $x$. We may choose an étale neighbourhood $(U, u) \to (X, x)$ such that

\[ U \times _ X Y = W \coprod W' \]

(disjoint union of algebraic spaces) such that $W \to U$ is an isomorphism and such that the unique point $w \in W$ lying over $u$ maps to $v$ in $V \subset Y$. To see this is true use Lemma 76.33.2 and Étale Morphisms, Lemma 41.18.1. After shrinking $U$ further if necessary we may assume $W$ maps into $V \subset Y$ by the projection. Since the formation of $\omega _{Y/X}$ commutes with étale localization we see that

\[ \pi _*\omega _{Y/X}|_ U = (\pi |_ W)_*\omega _{W/U} \oplus (\pi |_{W'})_*\omega _{W'/U} \]

We have $(\pi |_ W)_*\omega _{W/U} = \mathcal{O}_ U$ and this isomorphism is given by the trace map $\text{Tr}_\pi |_ U$ restricted to the first summand in the decomposition above. Since $W$ maps into $V$ we see that $\mathcal{I}^{n_ i}|_ W = \mathcal{O}_ W$. Hence

\[ \pi _*(\mathcal{I}^{n_ i})|_ U = \mathcal{O}_ U \oplus (W' \to U)_*(\mathcal{I}^{n_ i}|_{W'}) \]

Chasing diagrams the reader sees (details omitted) that $\sigma _ i|_ U$ on the summand $\mathcal{O}_ U$ is the map $\mathcal{O}_ U \to \mathcal{F}$ corresponding to the section

\[ s_ i|_ W \in \Gamma (W,\pi ^*\mathcal{F} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ Y} \omega _{Y/X}) = \Gamma (W, \mathcal{F}|_ W \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ W} \omega _{W/U}) = \Gamma (U, \mathcal{F}) \]

Since the sections $s_ i$ generate the module $\pi ^*\mathcal{F} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ Y} \omega _{Y/X}$ over $V$ and since $W$ maps into $V$ we conclude that the restriction of $\bigoplus \sigma _ i$ to $U$ is surjective. Since $x$ was an arbitrary point the proof is complete. $\square$

Lemma 76.56.3. In Situation 76.56.1, assume $X$ is Noetherian. Then $X$ has the resolution property if and only if $\pi _*\mathcal{I}$ is the quotient of a finite locally free $\mathcal{O}_ X$-module.

Proof. The module $\pi _*\mathcal{I}$ is coherent by Cohomology of Spaces, Lemma 69.12.9. Hence if $X$ has the resolution property then $\pi _*\mathcal{I}$ is the quotient of a finite locally free $\mathcal{O}_ X$-module. Conversely, assume given a surjection $\mathcal{E} \to \pi _*\mathcal{I}$ for some finite locally free $\mathcal{O}_ X$-module $\mathcal{E}$. Observe that for all $n \geq 1$ there is a surjection

\[ \pi _*\mathcal{I} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \pi _*\mathcal{I}^ n \longrightarrow \pi _*\mathcal{I}^{n + 1} \]

Hence $\mathcal{E}^{\otimes n}$ surjects onto $\pi _*\mathcal{I}^ n$ for all $n \geq 1$. We conclude that $X$ has the resolution property if we combine this with the result of Lemma 76.56.2. $\square$

Lemma 76.56.4. In Situation 76.56.1, the algebraic space $X$ has the resolution property if and only if $\pi _*\mathcal{I}$ is the quotient of a finite locally free $\mathcal{O}_ X$-module.

Proof. The pushforward $\pi _*\mathcal{G}$ of a finite type quasi-coherent $\mathcal{O}_ Y$-module $\mathcal{G}$ is a finite type quasi-coherent $\mathcal{O}_ X$-module by Descent on Spaces, Lemma 74.6.6. In particular, if $X$ has the resolution property, then $\pi _*\mathcal{I}$ is the quotient of a finite locally free $\mathcal{O}_ X$-module by Derived Categories of Spaces, Definition 75.28.1.

Assume that we have a surjection $\mathcal{E} \to \pi _*\mathcal{I}$ for some finite locally free $\mathcal{O}_ X$-module $\mathcal{E}$. In the rest of the proof we show that $X$ has the resolution property by reducing to the Noetherian case handled in Lemma 76.56.3. We suggest the reader skip the rest of the proof.

A first reduction is that we may view $X$ as an algebraic space over $\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(\mathbf{Z})$, see Spaces, Definition 65.16.2. (This doesn't affect the conditions nor the conclusion of the lemma.)

By Limits of Spaces, Lemma 70.11.3 we can write $Y = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits Y_ i$ with $Y_ i$ finite and of finite presentation over $X$ and where the transition maps are closed immersions. Consider the closed subspace $Z = V(\mathcal{I})$ of $Y$. Since $\mathcal{I}$ is of finite type, the morphism $Z \to Y$ is of finite presentation. Hence we can find an $i$ and a morphism $Z_ i \to Y_ i$ of finite presentation whose base change to $Y$ is $Z \to Y$, see Limits of Spaces, Lemma 70.7.1. For $i' \geq i$ denote $Z_{i'} = Z_ i \times _{Y_ i} Y_{i'}$. After increasing $i$ we may assume $Z_ i \to Y_ i$ is a closed immersion (of finite presentation), see Limits of Spaces, Lemma 70.6.8. Denote $\mathcal{I}_ i \subset \mathcal{O}_{Y_ i}$ the ideal sheaf of $Z_ i$ and denote $\pi _ i : Y_ i \to X$ the structure morphism. Similarly for $i' \geq i$. Since $Z = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits _{i' \geq i} Z_{i'}$ we have

\[ \pi _*\mathcal{I} = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits \pi _{i', *}\mathcal{I}_{i'} \]

The transition maps in the system are all surjective as follows from the surjectivity of the maps $\pi _{i, *}\mathcal{O}_{Y_ i} \to \pi _{i', *}\mathcal{O}_{Y_{i'}}$ and the fact that $Z_{i'} = Z_ i \times _{Y_ i} Y_{i'}$. By Cohomology of Spaces, Lemma 69.5.3 for some $i' \geq i$ the map $\mathcal{E} \to \pi _*\mathcal{I}$ lifts to a map $\mathcal{E} \to \pi _{i', *}\mathcal{I}_{i'}$. After increasing $i'$ this map $\mathcal{E} \to \pi _{i', *}\mathcal{I}_{i'}$ becomes surjective (since if not the colimit of the cokernels, having surjective transition maps, is nonzero). This reduces us to the case discussed in the next paragraph.

Assume $X$ is an algebraic space over $\mathbf{Z}$ and that $Y \to X$ is of finite presentation. By absolute Noetherian approximation we can write $X = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits X_ i$ as a directed limit, where each $X_ i$ is a quasi-separated algebraic space of finite type over $\mathbf{Z}$ and the transition morphisms are affine, see Limits of Spaces, Proposition 70.8.1. Since $\pi : Y \to X$ is of finite presentation we can find an $i$ and a morphism $\pi _ i : Y_ i \to X_ i$ of finite presentation whose base change to $X$ is $\pi $, see Limits of Spaces, Lemma 70.7.1. After increasing $i$ we may assume $\pi _ i$ is finite, see Limits of Spaces, Lemma 70.6.7. Next, we may assume there exists a finite locally free $\mathcal{O}_{X_ i}$-module $\mathcal{E}_ i$ whose pullback to $X$ is $\mathcal{E}$, see Limits of Spaces, Lemma 70.7.3. We may also assume there is a map $\mathcal{E}_ i \to \pi _{i, *}\mathcal{O}_{Y_ i}$ whose pullback to $X$ is the composition $\mathcal{E} \to \pi _*\mathcal{I} \to \pi _*\mathcal{O}_ Y$, see Limits of Spaces, Lemma 70.7.2. The cokernel

\[ \mathcal{E}_ i \to \pi _{i, *}\mathcal{O}_{Y_ i} \to \mathcal{Q}_ i \to 0 \]

is a coherent $\mathcal{O}_{Y_ i}$-module whose pullback to $X$ is the (finitely presented) cokernel $\mathcal{Q}$ of the map $\mathcal{E} \to \pi _*\mathcal{O}_ Y$. In other words, we have $\mathcal{Q} = \pi _*(\mathcal{O}_ Y/\mathcal{I})$. Consider the map

\[ \mathcal{E}_ i \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_{X_ i}} \pi _{i, *} \mathcal{O}_{Y_ i} \longrightarrow \pi _{i, *}\mathcal{O}_{Y_ i} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_{X_ i}} \pi _{i, *} \mathcal{O}_{Y_ i} \to \pi _{i, *} \mathcal{O}_{Y_ i} \to \mathcal{Q}_ i \]

where the second arrow is given by the algebra structure on $\pi _{i, *}\mathcal{O}_{Y_ i}$. The pullback of this map to $Y$ is zero because the image of $\mathcal{E} \to \pi _*\mathcal{O}_ Y$ is the ideal $\pi _*\mathcal{I}$. Hence by Limits of Spaces, Lemma 70.7.2 after increasing $i$ we may assume the displayed composition is zero. This exactly means that the imag of $\mathcal{E}_ i \to \pi _{i, *}\mathcal{O}_{Y_ i}$ is of the form $\pi _{i, *}\mathcal{I}_ i$ for some coherent ideal sheaf $\mathcal{I}_ i \subset \mathcal{O}_{Y_ i}$. Since $\mathcal{E}_ i \to \pi _{i, *}\mathcal{O}_{Y_ i}$ pulls back to $\mathcal{E} \to \pi _*\mathcal{O}_ Y$ we see that the pullback of $\mathcal{I}_ i$ to $Y$ generates $\mathcal{I}$. Denote $V_ i \subset Y_ i$ the open subspace whose complement is $V(\mathcal{I}_ i) \subset Y_ i$. Then $V$ is the inverse image of $V_ i$ by the comments above. After increasing $i$ we may assume that $V_ i$ is affine and that $\pi _ i|_{V_ i} : V_ i \to X_ i$ is étale, see Limits of Spaces, Lemmas 70.5.10 and 70.6.2. Having said all of this, we may apply Lemma 76.56.3 to conclude that $X_ i$ has the resolution property. Since $X \to X_ i$ is affine we conclude that $X$ has the resolution property too by Derived Categories of Spaces, Lemma 75.28.3. $\square$

Lemma 76.56.5. Let $S$ be a scheme. Let $X = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits X_ i$ be a limit of a direct system of quasi-compact and quasi-separated algebraic spaces over $S$ with affine transition morphisms. Then $X$ has the resolution property if and only if $X_ i$ has the resolution properties for some $i$.

Proof. If $X_ i$ has the resolution property, then $X$ does by Derived Categories of Spaces, Lemma 75.28.3. Assume $X$ has the resolution property. Choose $i \in I$. We may choose an affine scheme $V_ i$ and a surjective étale morphism $V_ i \to X_ i$ (Properties of Spaces, Lemma 66.6.3). We may choose an embedding $j : V_ i \to Y_ i$ with $Y_ i$ finite and finitely presented over $X_ i$ (Lemma 76.34.4). We may choose a finite type quasi-coherent ideal $\mathcal{I}_ i \subset \mathcal{O}_{Y_ i}$ such that $V_ i = Y_ i \setminus V(\mathcal{I}_ i)$ (Limits of Spaces, Lemma 70.14.1). Denote $V \to Y \to X$ the base changes of $V_ i \to Y_ i \to X_ i$ to $X$. Denote $\mathcal{I} \subset \mathcal{O}_ Y$ the pullback of the ideal $\mathcal{I}_ i$. By the easy direction of Lemma 76.56.4 there exists a finite locally free $\mathcal{O}_ X$-module $\mathcal{E}$ and a surjection $\mathcal{E} \to \pi _*\mathcal{I}$. Note that since $\pi _ i : Y_ i \to X_ i$ is finite and of finite presentation we also have that $\pi : Y \to X$ is finite and of finite presentation and that the $\mathcal{O}_{X_ i}$-modules $\pi _{i, *}\mathcal{O}_{Y_ i}$ and $\pi _{i, *}(\mathcal{O}_{Y_ i}/\mathcal{I}_ i)$ are of finite presentation and pullback to $X$ to give $\pi _*\mathcal{O}_ Y$ and $\pi _*(\mathcal{O}_ Y/\mathcal{I})$. Thus by Limits of Spaces, Lemma 70.7.2 after increasing $i$ we can find a finite locally free $\mathcal{O}_{X_ i}$-module $\mathcal{E}_ i$ and a map $\mathcal{E}_ i \to \pi _{i, *}\mathcal{O}_{Y_ i}$ whose base change to $X$ recovers the composition $\mathcal{E} \to \pi _*\mathcal{I} \to \pi _*\mathcal{O}_ Y$. The pullbacks of the finitely presented $\mathcal{O}_{X_ i}$-modules $\mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(\mathcal{E}_ i \to \pi _{i, *}\mathcal{O}_{Y_ i})$ and $\pi _{i, *}(\mathcal{O}_{Y_ i}/\mathcal{I}_ i)$ to $X$ agree as quotients of $\pi _*\mathcal{O}_ Y$. Hence by Limits of Spaces, Lemma 70.7.2 we may assume that these agree, in other words that the image of $\mathcal{E}_ i \to \pi _{i, *}\mathcal{O}_{X_ i}$ is equal to $\pi _{i, *}\mathcal{I}_ i$. Then we conclude that $X_ i$ has the resolution property by Lemma 76.56.4. $\square$

Lemma 76.56.6. Let $S$ be a scheme. Let $X$ be a quasi-compact and quasi-separated algebraic space with the resolution property. Then $X$ has affine diagonal over $\mathbf{Z}$ (as in Properties of Spaces, Definition 66.3.1).

Proof. We could prove this as in the case of schemes, but instead we will deduce the lemma from the case of schemes. First, we may and do assume $S = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(\mathbf{Z})$. Next, we choose a scheme $Y$ and a surjective integral morphism $f : Y \to X$, see Decent Spaces, Lemma 68.9.2. Then $f$ is affine, hence $Y$ has the resolution property by Derived Categories of Spaces, Lemma 75.28.3. Hence by the case of schemes, the scheme $Y$ has affine diagonal, see Derived Categories of Schemes, Lemma 36.36.10. Next, we consider the commutative diagram

\[ \xymatrix{ Y \ar[d] \ar[rr]_{\Delta _ Y} & & Y \times _{\mathbf{Z}} Y \ar[d] \\ X \ar[rr]^{\Delta _ X} & & X \times _{\mathbf{Z}} X } \]

Observe that the right vertical arrow is integral, in particular affine. Let $W \to X \times _{\mathbf{Z}} X$ be a morphism with $W$ affine. Then we see that

\[ Y \times _{X \times _{\mathbf{Z}} X} W = Y \times _{\Delta _ Y, Y \times _{\mathbf{Z}} Y} (Y \times _{\mathbf{Z}} Y) \times _{X \times _{\mathbf{Z}} X} W \]

is affine. On the other hand, $Y \to X$ is integral and surjective hence

\[ Y \times _{X \times _{\mathbf{Z}} X} W \longrightarrow X \times _{X \times _{\mathbf{Z}} X} W \]

is integral surjective as the base change of $Y \to X$ to $W$. We conclude that the target of this arrow is affine by Limits of Spaces, Proposition 70.15.2. It follows that $\Delta _ X$ is affine as desired. $\square$

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