Assume \phi is set-theoretically invariant. This means that for any algebraically closed field k over B and any \overline{r} \in R(k) we have \phi (s(\overline{r})) = \phi (t(\overline{r})). Hence ((\phi (t(\overline{r})), \phi (s(\overline{r}))), \overline{r}) defines a point in the fibre product mapping to \overline{r} via p. This shows that p is surjective. Conversely, assume p is surjective. Pick \overline{r} \in R(k). As p is surjective, we can find a field extension K/k and a K-valued point \tilde r of the fibre product with p(\tilde r) = \overline{r}. Then q(\tilde r) \in U \times _ X U maps to (t(\overline{r}), s(\overline{r})) in U \times _ B U and we conclude that \phi (s(\overline{r})) = \phi (t(\overline{r})). This proves that \phi is set-theoretically invariant.
The proofs of (2), (3), and (4) are omitted. Hint: Assume k is an algebraically closed field over B of large cardinality. Consider the associated diagram of sets
\xymatrix{ (U(k) \times _{X(k)} U(k)) \times _{U(k) \times U(k)} R(k) \ar[d]^ q \ar[r]_-p & R(k) \ar[d]^ j \\ U(k) \times _{X(k)} U(k) \ar[r]^ c & U(k) \times U(k) }
By the lemmas above the equivalences posed in (2), (3), and (4) become set-theoretic questions related to the diagram we just displayed, using that surjectivity translates into surjectivity on k-valued points by Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 67.24.2.
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