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The Stacks project

110.52 A torsor which is not an fppf torsor

In Groupoids, Remark 39.11.5 we raise the question whether any G-torsor is a G-torsor for the fppf topology. In this section we show that this is not always the case.

Let k be a field. All schemes and stacks are over k in what follows. Let G \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k) be the group scheme

G = (\mu _{2, k})^\infty = \mu _{2, k} \times _ k \mu _{2, k} \times _ k \mu _{2, k} \times _ k \ldots = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits _ n (\mu _{2, k})^ n

where \mu _{2, k} is the group scheme of second roots of unity over \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k), see Groupoids, Example 39.5.2. As an inverse limit of affine schemes we see that G is an affine group scheme. In fact it is the spectrum of the ring k[t_1, t_2, t_3, \ldots ]/(t_ i^2 - 1). The multiplication map m : G \times _ k G \to G is on the algebra level given by t_ i \mapsto t_ i \otimes t_ i.

We claim that any G-torsor over k is of the form

P = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k[x_1, x_2, x_3, \ldots ]/(x_ i^2 - a_ i))

for certain a_ i \in k^* and with G-action G \times _ k P \to P given by x_ i \to t_ i \otimes x_ i on the algebra level. We omit the proof. Actually for the example we only need that P is a G-torsor which is clear since over k' = k(\sqrt{a_1}, \sqrt{a_2}, \ldots ) the scheme P becomes isomorphic to G in a G-equivariant manner. Note that P is trivial if and only if k' = k since if P has a k-rational point then all of the a_ i are squares.

We claim that P is an fppf torsor if and only if the field extension k' = k(\sqrt{a_1}, \sqrt{a_2}, \ldots )/k is finite. If k' is finite over k, then \{ \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k') \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k)\} is an fppf covering which trivializes P and we see that P is indeed an fppf torsor. Conversely, suppose that P is an fppf G-torsor. This means that there exists an fppf covering \{ S_ i \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k)\} such that each P_{S_ i} is trivial. Pick an i such that S_ i is not empty. Let s \in S_ i be a closed point. By Varieties, Lemma 33.14.1 the field extension \kappa (s)/k is finite, and by construction P_{\kappa (s)} has a \kappa (s)-rational point. Thus we see that k \subset k' \subset \kappa (s) and k' is finite over k.

To get an explicit example take k = \mathbf{Q} and a_ i = i for example (or a_ i is the ith prime if you like).

Lemma 110.52.1. Let S be a scheme. Let G be a group scheme over S. The stack G\textit{-Principal} classifying principal homogeneous G-spaces (see Examples of Stacks, Subsection 95.14.5) and the stack G\textit{-Torsors} classifying fppf G-torsors (see Examples of Stacks, Subsection 95.14.8) are not equivalent in general.

Proof. The discussion above shows that the functor G\textit{-Torsors} \to G\textit{-Principal} isn't essentially surjective in general. \square

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