History of tag 04CO
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changed the proof
2013-12-07 |
7832bef |
Normal cone of immersions and regular immersions for algebraic spaces
changed the statement
2011-05-15 |
06d9c1e |
Short exact sequence of conormal bundles and sheaves of differentials
These of course would each follow easily from having the theory
of the cotangent complex setup and working for algebraic spaces.
But on the other hand, one would still have to split out the
precise statements separately in order to use them.
changed the statement
2010-10-09 |
2b090dd |
End conversion of etale to \'etale.
created statement with label lemma-etale-conormal in spaces-more-morphisms.tex
2010-04-03 |
276f3cd |
Spaces More Morphisms: Clean up conormal sheaf
Clean up of section on conormal sheaves
assigned tag 04CO
2010-04-03 |
Spaces More Morphisms: Clean up conormal sheaf
Clean up of section on conormal sheaves