History of tag 04DP
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changed the statement
2010-10-09 |
97a5c76 |
Begin translating etale to \'etale or \acute{e}tale (in Math mode).
assigned tag 04DP
2010-03-28 |
Large commit
Just trying to recover from the brain dead mistakes made over
the last few weeks. Hopefully most of it is now more or less OK.
moved the statement to file etale-cohomology.tex
2010-03-28 |
c86d591 |
Large commit
Just trying to recover from the brain dead mistakes made over
the last few weeks. Hopefully most of it is now more or less OK.
changed the statement
2010-03-28 |
c86d591 |
Large commit
Just trying to recover from the brain dead mistakes made over
the last few weeks. Hopefully most of it is now more or less OK.
created statement with label lemma-simplify-B in more-morphisms.tex
2010-03-23 |
a0944dd |
Exactness properties of f_*
This is just an attempt to get things straight without making
too many extra errors. For the moment some of the assertions in
the chapter More on Morphisms are still wrong. Also, we have to
move this material to the chapter on etale cohomology, or
perhaps to a separate chapter.