History of tag 04FX
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type |
time |
link |
changed the statement
2018-05-19 |
cc04a9b |
Fix a typo in etale-cohomology
Thanks to Hadi Hedayatzadeh
changed the proof
2014-01-07 |
b69a9c3 |
Improved handling of limits and colimits
Unfortunately we need more different types of limits and colimits...
changed the statement and the proof
2013-05-24 |
719c185 |
LaTeX: \etale
Introduced the macro
and replaced all occurences of \acute{e}tale by \etale
changed the proof
2011-08-10 |
996a95d |
LaTeX: fix colim
Introduced the macro
\def\colim{\mathop{\rm colim}\nolimits}
and changed all the occurences of \text{colim} into \colim.
changed the statement and the proof
2010-10-09 |
97a5c76 |
Begin translating etale to \'etale or \acute{e}tale (in Math mode).
changed the statement
2010-04-10 |
152b3d8 |
Etale cohomology: Refer to general results on stalks
assigned tag 04FX
2010-04-08 |
Tags: added tags
created statement with label lemma-stalk-pushforward-closed-immersion in etale-cohomology.tex
2010-03-28 |
6356d1b |
Etale cohomology: Pushforward along closed immersions
Finally! Also the version where the morphism is integral and
universally injective. These sections we added to Etale
Cohomology are still a bit rough here and there.