History of tag 04NU
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type |
time |
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changed the proof
2013-08-03 |
6cc7a5d |
ell check: words starting with s, t, S, or T
changed the proof
2010-10-09 |
2b090dd |
End conversion of etale to \'etale.
changed the proof
2010-06-07 |
5622d73 |
Small changes to spaces-morphisms.tex
Fallout from previous changes to section on relative dimension.
assigned tag 04NU
2010-05-28 |
Added new tags
changed the statement
2010-05-28 |
ea59baf |
The finite part of a morphism
Some easy observations about the functor (X/Y)_{fin}
parametrizing open parts of X finite over Y.
created statement with label lemma-openness-bounded-dimension-fibres-finite-presentation in spaces-morphisms.tex
2010-05-27 |
39078d3 |
Morphisms of Spaces: Locus of rel dim <= d is open
Most everything about relative dimensions of morphisms of
algebraic spaces follows in a straightforward manner from the
corresponding result for morphisms of schemes. This is due in
part to our definitions since we have simply defined our various
notions of relative dimension by looking on etale covers.
Also added: loc quasi-finite <=> rel dim 0