Lemma 37.27.4. Let A be a domain with fraction field K. Let P \in A[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]. Denote \overline{K} the algebraic closure of K. Assume P is irreducible in \overline{K}[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]. Then there exists a f \in A such that P^\varphi \in \kappa [x_1, \ldots , x_ n] is irreducible for all homomorphisms \varphi : A_ f \to \kappa into fields.
Proof. There exists an automorphism \Psi of A[x_1, \ldots , x_ n] over A such that \Psi (P) = ax_ n^ d + lower order terms in x_ n with a \not= 0, see Algebra, Lemma 10.115.2. We may replace P by \Psi (P) and we may replace A by A_ a. Thus we may assume that P is monic in x_ n of degree d > 0. For i = 1, \ldots , n - 1 let d_ i be the degree of P in x_ i. Note that this implies that P^\varphi is monic of degree d in x_ n and has degree \leq d_ i in x_ i for every homomorphism \varphi : A \to \kappa where \kappa is a field. Thus if P^\varphi is reducible, then we can write
with Q_1, Q_2 monic of degree e_1, e_2 \geq 0 in x_ n with e_1 + e_2 = d and having degree \leq d_ i in x_ i for i = 1, \ldots , n - 1. In other words we can write
where the sum is over the set \mathcal{L} of multi-indices L of the form L = (l_1, \ldots , l_{n - 1}) with 0 \leq l_ i \leq d_ i. For any e_1, e_2 \geq 0 with e_1 + e_2 = d we consider the A-algebra
where the (\text{relations}) is the ideal generated by the coefficients of the polynomial
with Q_1 and Q_2 defined as in ( OK, and the assumption that P is irreducible over \overline{K} implies that there does not exist any A-algebra homomorphism B_{e_1, e_2} \to \overline{K}. By the Hilbert Nullstellensatz, see Algebra, Theorem 10.34.1 this means that B_{e_1, e_2} \otimes _ A K = 0. As B_{e_1, e_2} is a finitely generated A-algebra this signifies that we can find an f_{e_1, e_2} \in A such that (B_{e_1, e_2})_{f_{e_1, e_2}} = 0. By construction this means that if \varphi : A_{f_{e_1, e_2}} \to \kappa is a homomorphism to a field, then P^\varphi does not have a factorization P^\varphi = Q_1 Q_2 with Q_1 of degree e_1 in x_ n and Q_2 of degree e_2 in x_ n. Thus taking f = \prod _{e1, e_2 \geq 0, e_1 + e_2 = d} f_{e_1, e_2} we win. \square
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