History of tag 05FS
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changed the proof
2018-10-24 |
d3760f0 |
Be more careful about Jacobson radical
Thanks to Brian Conrad
changed the proof
2011-01-07 |
ae19d3f |
Pure + flat + finitely presented = projective
assigned tag 05FS
2010-10-23 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the proof
2010-10-14 |
5cbeb7e |
Geometrically integral algebras
These had not yet been defined.
created statement with label lemma-fibres-irreducible-flat-projective in flat.tex
2010-10-14 |
db2a679 |
A ---> B flat + finite type + geom integral fibres
with A Noetherian implies B is projective as an A-module, We
will use this to prove that a smooth ring map with geometrically
integral fibres gives a projective module bny a standard
argument using Noetherian reduction. In Raynaud this is proved
using a clever argument with completion of the upstairs ring
along a section. Our argument is closer to the material in EGA
IV Section 11.