Definition 38.6.2. Let R \to S be a finite type ring map. Let \mathfrak r be a prime of R. Let N be a finite S-module. A complete dévissage of N/S/R over \mathfrak r is given by R-algebra maps
finite A_ i-modules M_ i and B_ i-module maps \alpha _ i : B_ i^{\oplus r_ i} \to M_ i such that
S \to A_1 is surjective and of finite presentation,
B_ i \to A_{i + 1} is surjective and of finite presentation,
B_ i \to A_ i is finite,
R \to B_ i is smooth with geometrically irreducible fibres,
N \cong M_1 as S-modules,
\mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(\alpha _ i) \cong M_{i + 1} as B_ i-modules,
\alpha _ i : \kappa (\mathfrak p_ i)^{\oplus r_ i} \to M_ i \otimes _{B_ i} \kappa (\mathfrak p_ i) is an isomorphism where \mathfrak p_ i = \mathfrak rB_ i, and
\mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(\alpha _ n) = 0.
In this situation we say that (A_ i, B_ i, M_ i, \alpha _ i)_{i = 1, \ldots , n} is a complete dévissage of N/S/R over \mathfrak r.
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