History of tag 05KZ
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type |
time |
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changed the proof
2013-08-03 |
dba86b5 |
pell check: words starting with n, o, p, q, r, N, O, P, Q, or R
changed the statement and the proof
2011-08-10 |
65ce54f |
LaTeX: \Spec
Introduced the macro
\def\Spec{\mathop{\rm Spec}}
and changed all the occurences of \text{Spec} into \Spec.
assigned tag 05KZ
2011-01-06 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-finite-type-flat-at-point-free-variant in flat.tex
2011-01-06 |
cf3ee53 |
More local freeness
As opposed to generic freeness. These lemmas are all trivial
consequences of the proposition in the finitely presented case
combined with earlier results on finite type flat modules over
local rings.