15.20 Flattening over a Noetherian complete local ring
The following three lemmas give a completely algebraic proof of the existence of the “local” flattening stratification when the base is a complete local Noetherian ring R and the given module is finite over a finite type R-algebra S.
Lemma 15.20.1. Let R \to S be a ring map. Let M be an S-module. Assume
(R, \mathfrak m) is a complete local Noetherian ring,
S is a Noetherian ring, and
M is finite over S.
Then there exists an ideal I \subset \mathfrak m such that
(M/IM)_{\mathfrak q} is flat over R/I for all primes \mathfrak q of S/IS lying over \mathfrak m, and
if J \subset R is an ideal such that (M/JM)_{\mathfrak q} is flat over R/J for all primes \mathfrak q lying over \mathfrak m, then I \subset J.
In other words, I is the smallest ideal of R such that ( holds for (\overline{R} \to \overline{S}, \overline{\mathfrak m}, \overline{M}) where \overline{R} = R/I, \overline{S} = S/IS, \overline{\mathfrak m} = \mathfrak m/I and \overline{M} = M/IM.
Let J \subset R be an ideal. Apply Algebra, Lemma 10.99.11 to the module M/JM over the ring R/J. Then we see that (M/JM)_{\mathfrak q} is flat over R/J for all primes \mathfrak q of S/JS if and only if M/(J + \mathfrak m^ n)M is flat over R/(J + \mathfrak m^ n) for all n \geq 1. We will use this remark below.
For every n \geq 1 the local ring R/\mathfrak m^ n is Artinian. Hence, by Lemma 15.17.1 there exists a smallest ideal I_ n \supset \mathfrak m^ n such that M/I_ nM is flat over R/I_ n. It is clear that I_{n + 1} + \mathfrak m^ n is contains I_ n and applying Lemma 15.16.1 we see that I_ n = I_{n + 1} + \mathfrak m^ n. Since R = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits _ n\ R/\mathfrak m^ n we see that I = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits _ n\ I_ n/\mathfrak m^ n is an ideal in R such that I_ n = I + \mathfrak m^ n for all n \geq 1. By the initial remarks of the proof we see that I verifies (1) and (2). Some details omitted.
Lemma 15.20.2. With notation R \to S, M, and I and assumptions as in Lemma 15.20.1. Consider a local homomorphism of local rings \varphi : (R, \mathfrak m) \to (R', \mathfrak m') such that R' is Noetherian. Then the following are equivalent
condition ( holds for (R' \to S \otimes _ R R', \mathfrak m', M \otimes _ R R'), and
\varphi (I) = 0.
The implication (2) \Rightarrow (1) follows from Lemma 15.18.1. Let \varphi : R \to R' be as in the lemma satisfying (1). We have to show that \varphi (I) = 0. This is equivalent to the condition that \varphi (I)R' = 0. By Artin-Rees in the Noetherian local ring R' (see Algebra, Lemma 10.51.4) this is equivalent to the condition that \varphi (I)R' + (\mathfrak m')^ n = (\mathfrak m')^ n for all n > 0. Hence this is equivalent to the condition that the composition \varphi _ n : R \to R' \to R'/(\mathfrak m')^ n annihilates I for each n. Now assumption (1) for \varphi implies assumption (1) for \varphi _ n by Lemma 15.18.1. This reduces us to the case where R' is Artinian local.
Assume R' Artinian. Let J = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(\varphi ). We have to show that I \subset J. By the construction of I in Lemma 15.20.1 it suffices to show that (M/JM)_{\mathfrak q} is flat over R/J for every prime \mathfrak q of S/JS lying over \mathfrak m. As R' is Artinian, condition (1) signifies that M \otimes _ R R' is flat over R'. As R' is Artinian and R/J \to R' is a local injective ring map, it follows that R/J is Artinian too. Hence the flatness of M \otimes _ R R' = M/JM \otimes _{R/J} R' over R' implies that M/JM is flat over R/J by Algebra, Lemma 10.101.7. This concludes the proof.
Lemma 15.20.3. With notation R \to S, M, and I and assumptions as in Lemma 15.20.1. In addition assume that R \to S is of finite type. Then for any local homomorphism of local rings \varphi : (R, \mathfrak m) \to (R', \mathfrak m') the following are equivalent
condition ( holds for (R' \to S \otimes _ R R', \mathfrak m', M \otimes _ R R'), and
\varphi (I) = 0.
The implication (2) \Rightarrow (1) follows from Lemma 15.18.1. Let \varphi : R \to R' be as in the lemma satisfying (1). As R is Noetherian we see that R \to S is of finite presentation and M is an S-module of finite presentation. Write R' = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits _\lambda R_\lambda as a directed colimit of local R-subalgebras R_\lambda \subset R', with maximal ideals \mathfrak m_\lambda = R_\lambda \cap \mathfrak m' such that each R_\lambda is essentially of finite type over R. By Lemma 15.18.3 we see that condition ( holds for (R_\lambda \to S \otimes _ R R_\lambda , \mathfrak m_\lambda , M \otimes _ R R_\lambda ) for some \lambda . Hence Lemma 15.20.2 applies to the ring map R \to R_\lambda and we see that I maps to zero in R_\lambda , a fortiori it maps to zero in R'.
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