History of tag 05QF
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
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changed the statement
2014-03-24 |
227cfe0 |
Fix some typos and a mistake
Thanks to Nuno
changed the statement
2013-10-24 |
3d676fa |
Fix of a bunch of mostly typos
Thanks to Alex Perry. See comments 320 -- 333 on the website, starting
and ending with
changed the statement
2011-08-11 |
4c15ebf |
LaTeX: \Ob
Introduced a macro
\def\Ob{\mathop{\rm Ob}\nolimits}
and replaced any occurence of \text{Ob}( with \Ob(. There are
still some occurences of \text{Ob} but these are sets, not the
operator that takes the set of objects of a category.
assigned tag 05QF
2011-02-07 |
Tags: added new tags
created statement with label lemma-kernel-localization in homology.tex
2011-02-03 |
302600d |
Kernels of localization functors
It turns out that for a multiplicative system in a additive
category it is easy to determine the "kernel" of the
localization functor. This then trickles down all the way to the
case of the localization of a triangulated category.
Warning: This commit contains partially unfinished work.