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12 Homological Algebra
Section 12.1: Introduction
Section 12.2: Basic notions
Section 12.3: Preadditive and additive categories
Section 12.4: Karoubian categories
Section 12.5: Abelian categories
Section 12.6: Extensions
Section 12.7: Additive functors
Section 12.8: Localization
Section 12.9: Jordan-Hölder
Section 12.10: Serre subcategories
Section 12.11: K-groups
Section 12.12: Cohomological delta-functors
Section 12.13: Complexes
Section 12.14: Homotopy and the shift functor
Section 12.15: Truncation of complexes
Section 12.16: Graded objects
Section 12.17: Additive monoidal categories
Section 12.18: Double complexes and associated total complexes
Section 12.19: Filtrations
Section 12.20: Spectral sequences
Section 12.21: Spectral sequences: exact couples
Section 12.22: Spectral sequences: differential objects
Section 12.23: Spectral sequences: filtered differential objects
Section 12.24: Spectral sequences: filtered complexes
Section 12.25: Spectral sequences: double complexes
Section 12.26: Double complexes of abelian groups
Section 12.27: Injectives
Section 12.28: Projectives
Section 12.29: Injectives and adjoint functors
Section 12.30: Essentially constant systems
Section 12.31: Inverse systems
Section 12.32: Exactness of products