Lemma 37.48.2. Let S be a scheme. Let \{ S_ i \to S\} _{i \in I} be an fppf covering. Then there exist
a Zariski open covering S = \bigcup U_ j,
surjective finite locally free morphisms W_ j \to U_ j,
Zariski open coverings W_ j = \bigcup _ k W_{j, k},
surjective finite locally free morphisms T_{j, k} \to W_{j, k}
such that the fppf covering \{ T_{j, k} \to S\} refines the given covering \{ S_ i \to S\} .
Let \{ V_ a \to S\} _{a \in A} be the fppf covering found in Lemma 37.48.1. In other words, this covering refines \{ S_ i \to S\} and each V_ a \to S factors as V_ a \to S'_ a \to S with S'_ a \to S étale and V_ a \to S'_ a surjective finite locally free.
By Remark 37.40.3 there exists a Zariski open covering S = \bigcup U_ j, for each j a finite locally free, surjective morphism W_ j \to U_ j, and for each j a Zariski open covering \{ W_{j, k} \to W_ j\} such that the family \{ W_{j, k} \to S\} refines the étale covering \{ S'_ a \to S\} , i.e., for each pair j, k there exists an a(j, k) and a factorization W_{j, k} \to S'_ a \to S of the morphism W_{j, k} \to S. Set T_{j, k} = W_{j, k} \times _{S'_ a} V_ a and everything is clear.
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