History of tag 05ZV
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assigned tag 05ZV
2011-04-01 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label definition-first-order-infinitesimal-neighbourhood in spaces-more-morphisms.tex
2011-03-29 |
ee75333 |
Bunch of changes
(1) Starting to write about thickenings of algebraic spaces
(2) Change Omega^1_{X/S} to Omega_{X/S}
(3) Introduced universal homeomorphisms for algebraic spaces
(4) If X ---> Y is a surjective, integral morphism of schemes
and X is an affine scheme, then Y is an affine scheme
(4) Topological invariance of the site X_{spaces, etale} of an
algebraic space X (proof unfinished}
In order to see that also X_{etale} is a topological invariant
we (I think) need to prove the following result: If X --> Y is a
integral, universally injective, surjective morphism of
algebraic spaces then X is a scheme if and only if Y is a
scheme. There are two proofs of this result in the literature
(one by David Rydh and one by Brian Conrad); both reduce the
result to the Noetherian case by limit arguments. I would
prefer a more direct argument...