Lemma 21.12.5. Let \mathcal{C} be a site. Let I be a set. For i \in I let \mathcal{F}_ i be an abelian sheaf on \mathcal{C}. Let U \in \mathop{\mathrm{Ob}}\nolimits (\mathcal{C}). The canonical map
H^ p(U, \prod \nolimits _{i \in I} \mathcal{F}_ i) \longrightarrow \prod \nolimits _{i \in I} H^ p(U, \mathcal{F}_ i)
is an isomorphism for p = 0 and injective for p = 1.
The statement for p = 0 is true because the product of sheaves is equal to the product of the underlying presheaves, see Sites, Lemma 7.10.1. Proof for p = 1. Set \mathcal{F} = \prod \mathcal{F}_ i. Let \xi \in H^1(U, \mathcal{F}) map to zero in \prod H^1(U, \mathcal{F}_ i). By locality of cohomology, see Lemma 21.7.3, there exists a covering \mathcal{U} = \{ U_ j \to U\} such that \xi |_{U_ j} = 0 for all j. By Lemma 21.10.4 this means \xi comes from an element \check\xi \in \check H^1(\mathcal{U}, \mathcal{F}). Since the maps \check H^1(\mathcal{U}, \mathcal{F}_ i) \to H^1(U, \mathcal{F}_ i) are injective for all i (by Lemma 21.10.4), and since the image of \xi is zero in \prod H^1(U, \mathcal{F}_ i) we see that the image \check\xi _ i = 0 in \check H^1(\mathcal{U}, \mathcal{F}_ i). However, since \mathcal{F} = \prod \mathcal{F}_ i we see that \check{\mathcal{C}}^\bullet (\mathcal{U}, \mathcal{F}) is the product of the complexes \check{\mathcal{C}}^\bullet (\mathcal{U}, \mathcal{F}_ i), hence by Homology, Lemma 12.32.1 we conclude that \check\xi = 0 as desired.
Comments (4)
Comment #568 by Nuno on
Comment #569 by Johan on
Comment #570 by Nuno on
Comment #571 by Johan on