Lemma 46.8.6. Let A be a ring.
Any A-module has a pure projective resolution.
Let M \to N be a map of A-modules. Let P_\bullet \to M be a pure projective resolution and let N_\bullet \to N be a universally exact resolution.
There exists a map of complexes P_\bullet \to N_\bullet inducing the given map
M = \mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(P_1 \to P_0) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(N_1 \to N_0) = N
two maps \alpha , \beta : P_\bullet \to N_\bullet inducing the same map M \to N are homotopic.
Part (1) follows immediately from Lemma 46.8.2. Before we prove (2) and (3) note that by Lemma 46.8.4 we can split the universally exact complex N_\bullet \to N \to 0 into universally exact short exact sequences 0 \to K_0 \to N_0 \to N \to 0 and 0 \to K_ i \to N_ i \to K_{i - 1} \to 0.
Proof of (2). Because P_0 is pure projective we can find a map P_0 \to N_0 lifting the map P_0 \to M \to N. We obtain an induced map P_1 \to F_0 \to N_0 which ends up in K_0. Since P_1 is pure projective we may lift this to a map P_1 \to N_1. This in turn induces a map P_2 \to P_1 \to N_1 which maps to zero into N_0, i.e., into K_1. Hence we may lift to get a map P_2 \to N_2. Repeat.
Proof of (3). To show that \alpha , \beta are homotopic it suffices to show the difference \gamma = \alpha - \beta is homotopic to zero. Note that the image of \gamma _0 : P_0 \to N_0 is contained in K_0. Hence we may lift \gamma _0 to a map h_0 : P_0 \to N_1. Consider the map \gamma _1' = \gamma _1 - h_0 \circ d_{P, 1} : P_1 \to N_1. By our choice of h_0 we see that the image of \gamma _1' is contained in K_1. Since P_1 is pure projective may lift \gamma _1' to a map h_1 : P_1 \to N_2. At this point we have \gamma _1 = h_0 \circ d_{F, 1} + d_{N, 2} \circ h_1. Repeat.
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