Lemma 69.6.1. Let S be a scheme. Let f_ i : U_ i \to X be étale morphisms of algebraic spaces over S. Then there are isomorphisms
where f_{12} : U_1 \times _ X U_2 \to X is the structure morphism and
Lemma 69.6.1. Let S be a scheme. Let f_ i : U_ i \to X be étale morphisms of algebraic spaces over S. Then there are isomorphisms
where f_{12} : U_1 \times _ X U_2 \to X is the structure morphism and
Proof. Once we have defined the map it will be an isomorphism by our description of stalks above. To define the map it suffices to work on the level of presheaves. Thus we have to define a map
We map the element 1_{\varphi _1} \otimes 1_{\varphi _2} to the element 1_{\varphi _1 \times \varphi _2} with obvious notation. We omit the proof of the second equality. \square
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