Lemma 7.17.7. Let \mathcal{C} be a site. Let \mathcal{I} \to \mathop{\mathit{Sh}}\nolimits (\mathcal{C}), i \mapsto \mathcal{F}_ i be a filtered diagram of sheaves of sets. Let U \in \mathop{\mathrm{Ob}}\nolimits (\mathcal{C}). Consider the canonical map
\Psi : \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits _ i \mathcal{F}_ i(U) \longrightarrow \left(\mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits _ i \mathcal{F}_ i\right)(U)
With the terminology introduced above:
If all the transition maps are injective then \Psi is injective for any U.
If U is quasi-compact, then \Psi is injective.
If U is quasi-compact and all the transition maps are injective then \Psi is an isomorphism.
If U has a cofinal system of coverings \{ U_ j \to U\} _{j \in J} with J finite and U_ j \times _ U U_{j'} quasi-compact for all j, j' \in J, then \Psi is bijective.
Assume all the transition maps are injective. In this case the presheaf \mathcal{F}' : V \mapsto \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits _ i \mathcal{F}_ i(V) is separated (see Definition 7.10.9). By Lemma 7.10.13 we have (\mathcal{F}')^\# = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits _ i \mathcal{F}_ i. By Theorem 7.10.10 we see that \mathcal{F}' \to (\mathcal{F}')^\# is injective. This proves (1).
Assume U is quasi-compact. Suppose that s \in \mathcal{F}_ i(U) and s' \in \mathcal{F}_{i'}(U) give rise to elements on the left hand side which have the same image under \Psi . This means we can choose a covering \{ U_ a \to U\} _{a \in A} and for each a \in A an index i_ a \in I, i_ a \geq i, i_ a \geq i' such that \varphi _{ii_ a}(s) = \varphi _{i'i_ a}(s'). Because U is quasi-compact we can choose a covering \{ V_ b \to U\} _{b \in B}, a map \alpha : B \to A with finite image, and morphisms V_ b \to U_{\alpha (b)} over U. Pick i''\in I to be \geq than all of the i_{\alpha (b)} which is possible because the image of \alpha is finite. We conclude that \varphi _{ii''}(s) and \varphi _{i'i''}(s) agree on V_ b for all b \in B and hence that \varphi _{ii''}(s) = \varphi _{i'i''}(s). This proves (2).
Assume U is quasi-compact and all transition maps injective. Let s be an element of the target of \Psi . There exists a covering \{ U_ a \to U\} _{a \in A} and for each a \in A an index i_ a \in I and a section s_ a \in \mathcal{F}_{i_ a}(U_ a) such that s|_{U_ a} comes from s_ a for all a \in A. Because U is quasi-compact we can choose a covering \{ V_ b \to U\} _{b \in B}, a map \alpha : B \to A with finite image, and morphisms V_ b \to U_{\alpha (b)} over U. Pick i \in I to be \geq than all of the i_{\alpha (b)} which is possible because the image of \alpha is finite. By (1) the sections s_ b = \varphi _{i_{\alpha (b)} i}(s_{\alpha (b)})|_{V_ b} agree over V_ b \times _ U V_{b'}. Hence they glue to a section s' \in \mathcal{F}_ i(U) which maps to s under \Psi . This proves (3).
Assume the hypothesis of (4). By Lemma 7.17.2 the object U is quasi-compact, hence \Psi is injective by (2). To prove surjectivity, let s be an element of the target of \Psi . By assumption there exists a finite covering \{ U_ j \to U\} _{j = 1, \ldots , m}, with U_ j \times _ U U_{j'} quasi-compact for all 1 \leq j, j' \leq m and for each j an index i_ j \in I and s_ j \in \mathcal{F}_{i_ j}(U_ j) such that s|_{U_ j} is the image of s_ j for all j. Since U_ j \times _ U U_{j'} is quasi-compact we can apply (2) and we see that there exists an i_{jj'} \in I, i_{jj'} \geq i_ j, i_{jj'} \geq i_{j'} such that \varphi _{i_ ji_{jj'}}(s_ j) and \varphi _{i_{j'}i_{jj'}}(s_{j'}) agree over U_ j \times _ U U_{j'}. Choose an index i \in I which is bigger or equal than all the i_{jj'}. Then we see that the sections \varphi _{i_ ji}(s_ j) of \mathcal{F}_ i glue to a section of \mathcal{F}_ i over U. This section is mapped to the element s as desired.
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