History of tag 07AP
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type |
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changed the proof
2018-01-29 |
61dce31 |
Fix a couple of double word mistakes
changed the proof
2013-05-24 |
719c185 |
LaTeX: \etale
Introduced the macro
and replaced all occurences of \acute{e}tale by \etale
assigned tag 07AP
2011-12-07 |
TAGS: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-check-lqc-on-flat-covering in stacks-cohomology.tex
2011-12-04 |
b20e14a |
QCoh on lisse-etale is weak serre
The proof of this is now finally done. What's more important is
that we have finally proved the result that is going to be a key
ingredient later on, namely that Lg_!H with H quasi-coherent on
the lisse-etale site) is a complex whose cohomology sheaves are
locally quaasi-coherent and have the flat base change property.
Essentially this is saying the following: Given a ring A and a
module M the functor
B |---> Tor_p^A(B, M)
is locally quasi-coherent and has the flat base change property.
This is obvious as these Tor groups can be computed using a
fixed free resolution of M.