Remark 60.24.2 (Mayer-Vietoris). In the situation of Remark 60.24.1 suppose we have an open covering X = X' \cup X''. Denote X''' = X' \cap X''. Let f', f'', and f'' be the restriction of f to X', X'', and X'''. Moreover, let \mathcal{F}', \mathcal{F}'', and \mathcal{F}''' be the restriction of \mathcal{F} to the crystalline sites of X', X'', and X'''. Then there exists a distinguished triangle
in D(\mathcal{O}_{X'/S'}).
Hints: This is a formal consequence of the fact that the subcategories \text{Cris}(X'/S), \text{Cris}(X''/S), \text{Cris}(X'''/S) correspond to open subobjects of the final sheaf on \text{Cris}(X/S) and that the last is the intersection of the first two.
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