History of tag 07ST
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
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changed the proof
2015-10-08 |
668d5dc |
Add a bit to avoid confusion
Thanks to Pieter Belmans
changed the proof
2015-05-14 |
a67d65a |
Elementary etale neighbourhoods on decent spaces
Finally! Should have added this long ago.
changed the proof
2015-01-12 |
a426de9 |
Small changes to decent-spaces.tex
moved the statement to file decent-spaces.tex
2014-04-25 |
83e5a67 |
Move result earlier
changed the statement and the proof
2014-04-25 |
83e5a67 |
Move result earlier
assigned tag 07ST
2012-05-20 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-filter-quasi-compact-quasi-separated in spaces-limits.tex
2012-05-20 |
0f02167 |
Absolute Noetherian approximation for algebraic spaces
Following Conrad, Lieblich, Olsson.