History of tag 0801
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changed the statement and the proof
2021-07-27 |
eba31f1 |
Fix an element of an ideal
Since the ideal J' is an ideal of the ring A_(f_0), its element should be of degree 0, i.e. the element g should be g/f_0^e.
changed the proof
2012-08-21 |
ce10c3e |
Blowing up for algebraic spaces, part II
assigned tag 0801
2012-07-19 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-closed-subscheme-proj in divisors.tex
2012-07-12 |
95d9498 |
Composition admissible blowups
This commit also includes some really basic material on relative
proj which was so far missing from the project. Probably because
we haven't found a way to present this material in a good way.