Lemma 30.23.8. Let X be a Noetherian scheme and let \mathcal{I} \subset \mathcal{O}_ X be a quasi-coherent sheaf of ideals. If (\mathcal{F}_ n) is an object of \textit{Coh}(X, \mathcal{I}) then \bigoplus \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(\mathcal{F}_{n + 1} \to \mathcal{F}_ n) is a finite type, graded, quasi-coherent \bigoplus \mathcal{I}^ n/\mathcal{I}^{n + 1}-module.
Proof. The question is local on X hence we may assume X is affine, i.e., we have a situation as in Lemma 30.23.1. In this case, if (\mathcal{F}_ n) corresponds to the finite A^\wedge module M, then \bigoplus \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(\mathcal{F}_{n + 1} \to \mathcal{F}_ n) corresponds to \bigoplus I^ nM/I^{n + 1}M which is clearly a finite module over \bigoplus I^ n/I^{n + 1}. \square
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