Statistics for tag 08IB
tag creation | last update | |
Jan 24, 2013 | Jun 5, 2024 | more history |
Complexity measure
metric | value |
number of results in proof | 10 |
number of results used in preliminary results | 412 |
number of chapters used | 22 |
number of sections used | 139 |
number of results (indirectly) using this tag | 486 |
Tags (directly) using this result
- Lemma 36.22.6
in Section 36.22: Cohomology and base change, IV
(go to statistics) - Lemma 36.23.1
in Section 36.23: Künneth formula, II
(go to statistics) - Lemma 36.26.2
in Section 36.26: Cohomology and base change, V
(go to statistics) - Lemma 36.33.4
in Section 36.33: Other applications
(go to statistics) - Lemma 36.35.10
in Section 36.35: Relatively perfect objects
(go to statistics) - Lemma 36.35.13
in Section 36.35: Relatively perfect objects
(go to statistics) - Lemma 37.10.6
in Section 37.10: Infinitesimal deformations of schemes
(go to statistics) - Lemma 37.69.2
in Section 37.69: Characterizing pseudo-coherent complexes, III
(go to statistics) - Lemma 37.69.6
in Section 37.69: Characterizing pseudo-coherent complexes, III
(go to statistics) - Lemma 37.72.5
in Section 37.72: Contracting rational curves
(go to statistics) - Lemma 48.4.1
in Section 48.4: Right adjoint of pushforward and restriction to opens
(go to statistics) - Lemma 48.6.2
in Section 48.6: Right adjoint of pushforward and base change, II
(go to statistics) - Lemma 51.19.5
in Section 51.19: Additional structure on local cohomology
(go to statistics) - Lemma 57.8.3
in Section 57.8: Fourier-Mukai functors
(go to statistics) - Lemma 57.15.3
in Section 57.15: Relative equivalences
(go to statistics) - Lemma 58.29.2
in Section 58.29: Affineness of complement of ramification locus
(go to statistics)