History of tag 08IE
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type |
time |
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changed the proof
2017-04-02 |
ecc03db |
Two typos in perfect
changed the proof
2017-04-01 |
1428e09 |
Better Ext + f^*F
Could have been said ages ago...
changed the statement and the proof
2017-03-27 |
a554417 |
Cohomology and base change -- more general
This is better but also worse bc harder to read...
changed the statement and the proof
2014-03-26 |
3788c0a |
Fix an error
While reviewing the material on cohomology and base change we found
a mistake in the proof of Lemma lemma-base-change-RHom. The mistake is
fatal in the sense that we don't know if the result is true as it was
stated. The fix is to assume that the object E is a perfect complex (as
opposed to just pseudo-coherent).
We also reorganized the material somewhat. We intend to add a fifth
section on cohomology and base change in the near future (removing some
of the Noetherian hypotheses by limit arguments).
changed the proof
2013-01-29 |
70eaefa |
Base change for RHom
This time for algebraic spaces.
assigned tag 08IE
2013-01-28 |
Tags: Added new tags
Also fixed some references
changed the proof
2013-01-28 |
cb345f3 |
Cohomology and base change, IV
This time for algebraic spaces.
changed the proof
2013-01-26 |
9f0d63a |
An example of a group scheme which is not quasi-separated
changed the proof
2013-01-26 |
5348388 |
Clean up the material from last commit
The claims on duals of pseudo-coherent complexes were too optimistic. As
a replacement we directly construct a base change map for pushforwards
of internal homs. Then we show this is a qis by the induction principle.
We also fixed the proof of the lemma on duals of perfect objects as the
previous one was nonsense.
Finally, we improve the (trivial) lemma on vanishing of Ext groups
between objects of the derived category.
created statement with label lemma-base-change-RHom in perfect.tex
2013-01-24 |
80329fc |
Base change for Rf_*RHom(E, G)
Holds very generally when f is qc + qs and E is pseudo-coherent and G is
quasi-coherent and flat over the base. This really clears up the air!