History of tag 0A1D
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changed the statement and the proof
2017-03-27 |
a554417 |
Cohomology and base change -- more general
This is better but also worse bc harder to read...
assigned tag 0A1D
2014-03-26 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-base-change-tensor in perfect.tex
2014-03-26 |
3788c0a |
Fix an error
While reviewing the material on cohomology and base change we found
a mistake in the proof of Lemma lemma-base-change-RHom. The mistake is
fatal in the sense that we don't know if the result is true as it was
stated. The fix is to assume that the object E is a perfect complex (as
opposed to just pseudo-coherent).
We also reorganized the material somewhat. We intend to add a fifth
section on cohomology and base change in the near future (removing some
of the Noetherian hypotheses by limit arguments).