Remark 15.7.8. In Situation 15.7.1. Assume B' \to D' is of finite presentation and suppose we are given a D'-module L'. We claim there is a bijective correspondence between
surjections of D'-modules L' \to Q' with Q' of finite presentation over D' and flat over B', and
pairs of surjections of modules (L' \otimes _{D'} D \to Q_1, L' \otimes _{D'} C' \to Q_2) with
Q_1 of finite presentation over D and flat over B,
Q_2 of finite presentation over C' and flat over A',
Q_1 \otimes _ D C = Q_2 \otimes _{C'} C as quotients of L' \otimes _{D'} C.
The correspondence between these is given by Q \mapsto (Q_1, Q_2) with Q_1 = Q \otimes _{D'} D and Q_2 = Q \otimes _{D'} C'. And for the converse we use Q = Q_1 \times _{Q_{12}} Q_2 where Q_{12} the common quotient Q_1 \otimes _ D C = Q_2 \otimes _{C'} C of L' \otimes _{D'} C. As quotient map we use
where the first arrow is surjective by Lemma 15.6.5 and the second by Lemma 15.6.6. The claim follows by Lemmas 15.7.5 and 15.7.6.
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