Lemma 99.5.7. In Situation 99.5.1. Let
be a pushout in the category of schemes over $S$ where $Z \to Z'$ is a thickening and $Z \to Y$ is affine, see More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.14.3. Then the functor on fibre categories
is an equivalence.
Lemma 99.5.7. In Situation 99.5.1. Let
be a pushout in the category of schemes over $S$ where $Z \to Z'$ is a thickening and $Z \to Y$ is affine, see More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.14.3. Then the functor on fibre categories
is an equivalence.
Proof. Observe that the corresponding map
is a bijection, see Pushouts of Spaces, Lemma 81.6.1. Thus using the commutative diagram
we see that we may assume that $Y'$ is a scheme over $B'$. By Remark 99.5.5 we may replace $B$ by $Y'$ and $X$ by $X \times _ B Y'$. Thus we may assume $B = Y'$. In this case the statement follows from Pushouts of Spaces, Lemma 81.6.6. $\square$
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