Remark 21.39.4. Notation and assumptions as in Example 21.39.1. Let \mathcal{F}^\bullet be a bounded complex of abelian sheaves on \mathcal{C}. For any object U of \mathcal{C} there is a canonical map
in D(\textit{Ab}). If \mathcal{F}^\bullet is a complex of \underline{B}-modules then this map is in D(B). To prove this, note that we compute L\pi _!(\mathcal{F}^\bullet ) by taking a quasi-isomorphism \mathcal{P}^\bullet \to \mathcal{F}^\bullet where \mathcal{P}^\bullet is a complex of projectives. However, since the topology is chaotic this means that \mathcal{P}^\bullet (U) \to \mathcal{F}^\bullet (U) is a quasi-isomorphism hence can be inverted in D(\textit{Ab}), resp. D(B). Composing with the canonical map \mathcal{P}^\bullet (U) \to \pi _!(\mathcal{P}^\bullet ) coming from the computation of \pi _! as a colimit we obtain the desired arrow.
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