Lemma 35.4.24. If M \in \text{Mod}_ R is flat, then C(M) is an injective R-module.
Proof. Let 0 \to N \to P \to Q \to 0 be an exact sequence in \text{Mod}_ R. Since M is flat,
0 \to N \otimes _ R M \to P \otimes _ R M \to Q \otimes _ R M \to 0
is exact. By Lemma 35.4.10,
0 \to C(Q \otimes _ R M) \to C(P \otimes _ R M) \to C(N \otimes _ R M) \to 0
is exact. By (, this last sequence can be rewritten as
0 \to \mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ R(Q, C(M)) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ R(P, C(M)) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ R(N, C(M)) \to 0.
Hence C(M) is an injective object of \text{Mod}_ R. \square
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