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Theorem 35.4.25. If M \otimes _ R S has one of the following properties as an S-module

  1. finitely generated;

  2. finitely presented;

  3. flat;

  4. faithfully flat;

  5. finite projective;

then so does M as an R-module (and conversely).

Proof. To prove (a), choose a finite set \{ n_ i\} of generators of M \otimes _ R S in \text{Mod}_ S. Write each n_ i as \sum _ j m_{ij} \otimes s_{ij} with m_{ij} \in M and s_{ij} \in S. Let F be the finite free R-module with basis e_{ij} and let F \to M be the R-module map sending e_{ij} to m_{ij}. Then F \otimes _ R S\to M \otimes _ R S is surjective, so \mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(F \to M) \otimes _ R S is zero and hence \mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(F \to M) is zero. This proves (a).

To see (b) assume M \otimes _ R S is finitely presented. Then M is finitely generated by (a). Choose a surjection R^{\oplus n} \to M with kernel K. Then K \otimes _ R S \to S^{\oplus r} \to M \otimes _ R S \to 0 is exact. By Algebra, Lemma 10.5.3 the kernel of S^{\oplus r} \to M \otimes _ R S is a finite S-module. Thus we can find finitely many elements k_1, \ldots , k_ t \in K such that the images of k_ i \otimes 1 in S^{\oplus r} generate the kernel of S^{\oplus r} \to M \otimes _ R S. Let K' \subset K be the submodule generated by k_1, \ldots , k_ t. Then M' = R^{\oplus r}/K' is a finitely presented R-module with a morphism M' \to M such that M' \otimes _ R S \to M \otimes _ R S is an isomorphism. Thus M' \cong M as desired.

To prove (c), let 0 \to M' \to M'' \to M \to 0 be a short exact sequence in \text{Mod}_ R. Since \bullet \otimes _ R S is a right exact functor, M'' \otimes _ R S \to M \otimes _ R S is surjective. So by Lemma 35.4.10 the map C(M \otimes _ R S) \to C(M'' \otimes _ R S) is injective. If M \otimes _ R S is flat, then Lemma 35.4.24 shows C(M \otimes _ R S) is an injective object of \text{Mod}_ S, so the injection C(M \otimes _ R S) \to C(M'' \otimes _ R S) is split in \text{Mod}_ S and hence also in \text{Mod}_ R. Since C(M \otimes _ R S) \to C(M) is a split surjection by Lemma 35.4.12, it follows that C(M) \to C(M'') is a split injection in \text{Mod}_ R. That is, the sequence

0 \to C(M) \to C(M'') \to C(M') \to 0

is split exact. For N \in \text{Mod}_ R, by ( we see that

0 \to C(M \otimes _ R N) \to C(M'' \otimes _ R N) \to C(M' \otimes _ R N) \to 0

is split exact. By Lemma 35.4.10,

0 \to M' \otimes _ R N \to M'' \otimes _ R N \to M \otimes _ R N \to 0

is exact. This implies M is flat over R. Namely, taking M' a free module surjecting onto M we conclude that \text{Tor}_1^ R(M, N) = 0 for all modules N and we can use Algebra, Lemma 10.75.8. This proves (c).

To deduce (d) from (c), note that if N \in \text{Mod}_ R and M \otimes _ R N is zero, then M \otimes _ R S \otimes _ S (N \otimes _ R S) \cong (M \otimes _ R N) \otimes _ R S is zero, so N \otimes _ R S is zero and hence N is zero.

To deduce (e) at this point, it suffices to recall that M is finitely generated and projective if and only if it is finitely presented and flat. See Algebra, Lemma 10.78.2. \square

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