Lemma 47.7.2. Let (R, \mathfrak m, \kappa ) be a local ring. Let E be the injective hull of \kappa . Let M be a \mathfrak m-power torsion R-module with n = \dim _\kappa (M[\mathfrak m]) < \infty . Then M is isomorphic to a submodule of E^{\oplus n}.
Proof. Observe that E^{\oplus n} is the injective hull of \kappa ^{\oplus n} = M[\mathfrak m]. Thus there is an R-module map M \to E^{\oplus n} which is injective on M[\mathfrak m]. Since M is \mathfrak m-power torsion the inclusion M[\mathfrak m] \subset M is an essential extension (for example by Lemma 47.2.4) we conclude that the kernel of M \to E^{\oplus n} is zero. \square
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