Lemma 61.25.1. Let i : Z \to X be a closed immersion morphism of affine schemes. Denote X_{app} and Z_{app} the sites introduced in Lemma 61.12.21. The base change functor
u : X_{app} \to Z_{app},\quad U \longmapsto u(U) = U \times _ X Z
is continuous and has a fully faithful left adjoint v. For V in Z_{app} the morphism V \to v(V) is a closed immersion identifying V with u(v(V)) = v(V) \times _ X Z and every point of v(V) specializes to a point of V. The functor v is cocontinuous and sends coverings to coverings.
The existence of the adjoint follows immediately from Lemma 61.7.7 and the definitions. It is clear that u is continuous from the definition of coverings in X_{app}.
Write X = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) and Z = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A/I). Let V = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(\overline{C}) be an object of Z_{app} and let v(V) = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(C). We have seen in the statement of Lemma 61.7.7 that V equals v(V) \times _ X Z = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(C/IC). Any g \in C which maps to an invertible element of C/IC = \overline{C} is invertible in C. Namely, we have the A-algebra maps C \to C_ g \to C/IC and by adjointness we obtain an C-algebra map C_ g \to C. Thus every point of v(V) specializes to a point of V.
Suppose that \{ V_ i \to V\} is a covering in Z_{app}. Then \{ v(V_ i) \to v(V)\} is a finite family of morphisms of Z_{app} such that every point of V \subset v(V) is in the image of one of the maps v(V_ i) \to v(V). As the morphisms v(V_ i) \to v(V) are flat (since they are weakly étale) we conclude that \{ v(V_ i) \to v(V)\} is jointly surjective. This proves that v sends coverings to coverings.
Let V be an object of Z_{app} and let \{ U_ i \to v(V)\} be a covering in X_{app}. Then we see that \{ u(U_ i) \to u(v(V)) = V\} is a covering of Z_{app}. By adjointness we obtain morphisms v(u(U_ i)) \to U_ i. Thus the family \{ v(u(U_ i)) \to v(V)\} refines the given covering and we conclude that v is cocontinuous.
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