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9.10 Algebraic closure

The “fundamental theorem of algebra” states that \mathbf{C} is algebraically closed. A beautiful proof of this result uses Liouville's theorem in complex analysis, we shall give another proof (see Lemma 9.23.1).

Definition 9.10.1. A field F is said to be algebraically closed if every algebraic extension E/F is trivial, i.e., E = F.

This may not be the definition in every text. Here is the lemma comparing it with the other one.

Lemma 9.10.2. Let F be a field. The following are equivalent

  1. F is algebraically closed,

  2. every irreducible polynomial over F is linear,

  3. every nonconstant polynomial over F has a root,

  4. every nonconstant polynomial over F is a product of linear factors.

Proof. If F is algebraically closed, then every irreducible polynomial is linear. Namely, if there exists an irreducible polynomial of degree > 1, then this generates a nontrivial finite (hence algebraic) field extension, see Example 9.7.6. Thus (1) implies (2). If every irreducible polynomial is linear, then every irreducible polynomial has a root, whence every nonconstant polynomial has a root. Thus (2) implies (3).

Assume every nonconstant polynomial has a root. Let P \in F[x] be nonconstant. If P(\alpha ) = 0 with \alpha \in F, then we see that P = (x - \alpha )Q for some Q \in F[x] (by division with remainder). Thus we can argue by induction on the degree that any nonconstant polynomial can be written as a product c \prod (x - \alpha _ i).

Finally, suppose that every nonconstant polynomial over F is a product of linear factors. Let E/F be an algebraic extension. Then all the simple subextensions F(\alpha )/F of E are necessarily trivial (because the only irreducible polynomials are linear by assumption). Thus E = F. We see that (4) implies (1) and we are done. \square

Now we want to define a “universal” algebraic extension of a field. Actually, we should be careful: the algebraic closure is not a universal object. That is, the algebraic closure is not unique up to unique isomorphism: it is only unique up to isomorphism. But still, it will be very handy, if not functorial.

Definition 9.10.3. Let F be a field. An algebraic closure of F is a field \overline{F} containing F such that:

  1. \overline{F} is algebraic over F.

  2. \overline{F} is algebraically closed.

If F is algebraically closed, then F is its own algebraic closure. We now prove the basic existence result.

The proof will mostly be a red herring to the rest of the chapter. However, we will want to know that it is possible to embed a field inside an algebraically closed field, and we will often assume it done.

Proof. Let F be a field. By Lemma 9.8.9 the cardinality of an algebraic extension of F is bounded by \max (\aleph _0, |F|). Choose a set S containing F with |S| > \max (\aleph _0, |F|). Let's consider triples (E, \sigma _ E, \mu _ E) where

  1. E is a set with F \subset E \subset S, and

  2. \sigma _ E : E \times E \to E and \mu _ E : E \times E \to E are maps of sets such that (E, \sigma _ E, \mu _ E) defines the structure of a field extension of F (in particular \sigma _ E(a, b) = a +_ F b for a, b \in F and similarly for \mu _ E), and

  3. E/F is an algebraic field extension.

The collection of all triples (E, \sigma _ E, \mu _ E) forms a set I. For i \in I we will denote E_ i = (E_ i, \sigma _ i, \mu _ i) the corresponding field extension to F. We define a partial ordering on I by declaring i \leq i' if and only if E_ i \subset E_{i'} (this makes sense as E_ i and E_{i'} are subsets of the same set S) and we have \sigma _ i = \sigma _{i'}|_{E_ i \times E_ i} and \mu _ i = \mu _{i'}|_{E_ i \times E_ i}, in other words, E_{i'} is a field extension of E_ i.

Let T \subset I be a totally ordered subset. Then it is clear that E_ T = \bigcup _{i \in T} E_ i with induced maps \sigma _ T = \bigcup \sigma _ i and \mu _ T = \bigcup \mu _ i is another element of I. In other words every totally order subset of I has a upper bound in I. By Zorn's lemma there exists a maximal element (E, \sigma _ E, \mu _ E) in I. We claim that E is an algebraic closure. Since by definition of I the extension E/F is algebraic, it suffices to show that E is algebraically closed.

To see this we argue by contradiction. Namely, suppose that E is not algebraically closed. Then there exists an irreducible polynomial P over E of degree > 1, see Lemma 9.10.2. By Lemma 9.8.5 we obtain a nontrivial finite extension E' = E[x]/(P). Observe that E'/F is algebraic by Lemma 9.8.8. Thus the cardinality of E' is \leq \max (\aleph _0, |F|). By elementary set theory we can extend the given injection E \subset S to an injection E' \to S. In other words, we may think of E' as an element of our set I contradicting the maximality of E. This contradiction completes the proof. \square

Lemma 9.10.5. Let F be a field. Let \overline{F} be an algebraic closure of F. Let M/F be an algebraic extension. Then there is a morphism of F-extensions M \to \overline{F}.

Proof. Consider the set I of pairs (E, \varphi ) where F \subset E \subset M is a subextension and \varphi : E \to \overline{F} is a morphism of F-extensions. We partially order the set I by declaring (E, \varphi ) \leq (E', \varphi ') if and only if E \subset E' and \varphi '|_ E = \varphi . If T = \{ (E_ t, \varphi _ t)\} \subset I is a totally ordered subset, then \bigcup \varphi _ t : \bigcup E_ t \to \overline{F} is an element of I. Thus every totally ordered subset of I has an upper bound. By Zorn's lemma there exists a maximal element (E, \varphi ) in I. We claim that E = M, which will finish the proof. If not, then pick \alpha \in M, \alpha \not\in E. The \alpha is algebraic over E, see Lemma 9.8.4. Let P be the minimal polynomial of \alpha over E. Let P^\varphi be the image of P by \varphi in \overline{F}[x]. Since \overline{F} is algebraically closed there is a root \beta of P^\varphi in \overline{F}. Then we can extend \varphi to \varphi ' : E(\alpha ) = E[x]/(P) \to \overline{F} by mapping x to \beta . This contradicts the maximality of (E, \varphi ) as desired. \square

Lemma 9.10.6. Any two algebraic closures of a field are isomorphic.

Proof. Let F be a field. If M and \overline{F} are algebraic closures of F, then there exists a morphism of F-extensions \varphi : M \to \overline{F} by Lemma 9.10.5. Now the image \varphi (M) is algebraically closed. On the other hand, the extension \varphi (M) \subset \overline{F} is algebraic by Lemma 9.8.4. Thus \varphi (M) = \overline{F}. \square

Comments (2)

Comment #7845 by Stéphane on

Being algebraically closed is defined (identically) in both 9.10.1 and 9.10.3.

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