Lemma 22.26.5. Let R be a ring. A functor F : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B} of differential graded categories over R induces functors \text{Comp}(\mathcal{A}) \to \text{Comp}(\mathcal{B}) and K(\mathcal{A}) \to K(\mathcal{B}).
Proof. Omitted. \square
Lemma 22.26.5. Let R be a ring. A functor F : \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B} of differential graded categories over R induces functors \text{Comp}(\mathcal{A}) \to \text{Comp}(\mathcal{B}) and K(\mathcal{A}) \to K(\mathcal{B}).
Proof. Omitted. \square
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