Lemma 22.27.1. Let \mathcal{A} be a differential graded category satisfying axioms (A) and (B). Given an admissible short exact sequence x \to y \to z we obtain (see proof) a triangle
x \to y \to z \to x[1]
in \text{Comp}(\mathcal{A}) with the property that any two compositions in z[-1] \to x \to y \to z \to x[1] are zero in K(\mathcal{A}).
Choose a diagram
\xymatrix{ x \ar[rr]_1 \ar[rd]_ a & & x \\ & y \ar[ru]_\pi \ar[rd]^ b & \\ z \ar[rr]^1 \ar[ru]^ s & & z }
giving the isomorphism of graded objects y \cong x \oplus z as in the definition of an admissible short exact sequence. Here are some equations that hold in this situation
1 = \pi a and hence \text{d}(\pi ) a = 0,
1 = b s and hence b \text{d}(s) = 0,
1 = a \pi + s b and hence a \text{d}(\pi ) + \text{d}(s) b = 0,
\pi s = 0 and hence \text{d}(\pi )s + \pi \text{d}(s) = 0,
\text{d}(s) = a \pi \text{d}(s) because \text{d}(s) = (a \pi + s b)\text{d}(s) and b\text{d}(s) = 0,
\text{d}(\pi ) = \text{d}(\pi ) s b because \text{d}(\pi ) = \text{d}(\pi )(a \pi + s b) and \text{d}(\pi )a = 0,
\text{d}(\pi \text{d}(s)) = 0 because if we postcompose it with the monomorphism a we get \text{d}(a\pi \text{d}(s)) = \text{d}(\text{d}(s)) = 0, and
\text{d}(\text{d}(\pi )s) = 0 as by (4) it is the negative of \text{d}(\pi \text{d}(s)) which is 0 by (7).
We've used repeatedly that \text{d}(a) = 0, \text{d}(b) = 0, and that \text{d}(1) = 0. By (7) we see that
\delta = \pi \text{d}(s) = - \text{d}(\pi ) s : z \to x[1]
is a morphism in \text{Comp}(\mathcal{A}). By (5) we see that the composition a \delta = a \pi \text{d}(s) = \text{d}(s) is homotopic to zero. By (6) we see that the composition \delta b = - \text{d}(\pi )sb = \text{d}(-\pi ) is homotopic to zero.
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