Lemma 72.12.2. Let X be an algebraic space over the field k. Let k'/k be a field extension. Then X is geometrically connected over k if and only if X_{k'} is geometrically connected over k'.
Proof. If X is geometrically connected over k, then it is clear that X_{k'} is geometrically connected over k'. For the converse, note that for any field extension k''/k there exists a common field extension k'''/k' and k'''/k'. As the morphism X_{k'''} \to X_{k''} is surjective (as a base change of a surjective morphism between spectra of fields) we see that the connectedness of X_{k'''} implies the connectedness of X_{k''}. Thus if X_{k'} is geometrically connected over k' then X is geometrically connected over k. \square
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