Lemma 110.75.1. There exists an affine formal algebraic space which is not McQuillan.
110.75 Affine formal algebraic spaces
Let K be a field and let (V_ i)_{i \in I} be a directed inverse system of nonzero vector spaces over K with surjective transition maps and with \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits V_ i = 0, see Section 110.3. Let R_ i = K \oplus V_ i as K-algebra where V_ i is an ideal of square zero. Then R_ i is an inverse system of K-algebras with surjective transition maps with nilpotent kernels and with \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits R_ i = K. The affine formal algebraic space X = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R_ i) is an example of an affine formal algebraic space which is not McQuillan.
Proof. See discussion above. \square
Let 0 \to W_ i \to V_ i \to K \to 0 be a system of exact sequences as in Section 110.3. Let A_ i = K[V_ i]/(ww'; w, w' \in W_ i). Then there is a compatible system of surjections A_ i \to K[t] with nilpotent kernels and the transition maps A_ i \to A_ j are surjective with nilpotent kernels as well. Recall that V_ i is free over K with basis given by s \in S_ i. Then, if the characteristic of K is zero, the degree d part of A_ i is free over K with basis given by s^ d, s \in S_ i each of which map to t^ d. Hence the inverse system of the degree d parts of the A_ i is isomorphic to the inverse system of the vector spaces V_ i. As \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits V_ i = 0 we conclude that \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits A_ i = K, at least when the characteristic of K is zero. This gives an example of an affine formal algebraic space whose “regular functions” do not separate points.
Lemma 110.75.2. There exists an affine formal algebraic space X whose regular functions do not separate points, in the following sense: If we write X = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits X_\lambda as in Formal Spaces, Definition 87.9.1 then \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits \Gamma (X_\lambda , \mathcal{O}_{X_\lambda }) is a field, but X_{red} has infinitely many points.
Proof. See discussion above. \square
Let K, I, and (V_ i) be as above. Consider systems
where \Lambda is an augmented K-algebra, J_ i \subset \Lambda for i \in I is an ideal of square zero, (M_ i) \to (V_ i) is a map of inverse systems of K-vector spaces such that M_ i \to V_ i is surjective for each i, such that M_ i has a \Lambda -module structure, such that the transition maps M_ i \to M_ j, i > j are \Lambda -linear, and such that J_ j M_ i \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(M_ i \to M_ j) for i > j. Claim: There exists a system as above such that M_ j = M_ i/J_ j M_ i for all i > j.
If the claim is true, then we obtain a representable morphism
of affine formal algebraic spaces whose source is not McQuillan but the target is. Here \Lambda /J_ i \oplus M_ i has the usual \Lambda /J_ i-algebra structure where M_ i is an ideal of square zero. Representability translates exactly into the condition that M_ i/J_ jM_ i = M_ j for i > j. The source of the morphism is not McQuillan as the projections \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits _{i \in I} M_ i \to M_ i are not be surjective. This is true because the maps \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits V_ i \to V_ i are not surjective and we have the surjection M_ i \to V_ i. Some details omitted.
Proof of the claim. First, note that there exists at least one system, namely
Given a system \Phi we will prove there exists a morphism of systems \Phi \to \Phi ' (morphisms of systems defined in the obvious manner) such that \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(M_ i/J_ j M_ i \to M_ j) maps to zero in M'_ i/J'_ j M'_ i. Once this is done we can do the usual trick of setting \Phi _ n = (\Phi _{n - 1})' inductively for n \geq 1 and taking \Phi = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits \Phi _ n to get a system with the desired properties. Details omitted.
Construction of \Phi ' given \Phi . Consider the set U of triples u = (i, j, \xi ) where i > j and \xi \in \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(M_ i \to M_ j). We will let s, t : U \to I denote the maps s(i, j, \xi ) = i and t(i, j, \xi ) = j. Then we set \xi _ u \in M_{s(u)} the third component of u. We take
with augmentation \Lambda ' \to K given by the augmentation of \Lambda and sending x_ u to zero. We take J'_ k = J_ k \Lambda ' + (x_{u,\ t(u) \geq k}). We set
As transition maps M'_ i \to M'_ j for i > j we use the given map M_ i \to M_ j and we send \epsilon _{i, u} to \epsilon _{j, u}. The map M'_ i \to V_ i induces the given map M_ i \to V_ i and sends \epsilon _{i, u} to zero. Finally, we let \Lambda ' act on M'_ i as follows: for \lambda \in \Lambda we act by the \Lambda -module structure on M_ i and via the augmentation \Lambda \to K on \epsilon _{i, u}. The element x_ u acts as 0 on M_ i for all i. Finally, we define
and we set all other products x_{u'} \epsilon _{i, u} equal to zero. The displayed formula makes sense because s(u) \geq i and \xi _ u \in M_{s(u)}. The main things the check are J'_ j M'_ i \subset M'_ i maps to zero in M'_ j for i > j and that \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(M_ i \to M_ j) maps to zero in M'_ i/J_ j M'_ i. The reason for the last fact is that \xi = x_{(i, j, \xi )} \epsilon _{i, (i, j, \xi )} \in J'_ j M'_ i for any \xi \in \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(M_ i \to M_ j). We omit the details.
Lemma 110.75.3. There exists a representable morphism f : X \to Y of affine formal algebraic spaces with Y McQuillan, but X not McQuillan.
Proof. See discussion above. \square
Comments (2)
Comment #1557 by Matthew Emerton on
Comment #1575 by Johan on