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110.76 Flat maps are not directed limits of finitely presented flat maps

The goal of this section is to give an example of a flat ring map which is not a filtered colimit of flat and finitely presented ring maps. In [gabber-nonexcellent] it is shown that if A is a nonexcellent local ring of dimension 1 and residue characteristic zero, then the (flat) ring map A \to A^\wedge to its completion is not a filtered colimit of finite type flat ring maps. The example in this section will have a source which is an excellent ring. We encourage the reader to submit other examples; please email stacks.project@gmail.com if you have one.

For the construction, fix a prime p, and let A = \mathbf{F}_ p[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]. Choose an absolute integral closure A^+ of A, i.e., A^+ is the integral closure of A in an algebraic closure of its fraction field. In [§6.7, HHBigCM] it is shown that A \to A^+ is flat.

We claim that the A-algebra A^+ is not a filtered colimit of finitely presented flat A-algebras if n \geq 3.

We sketch the argument in the case n = 3, and we leave the generalization to higher n to the reader. It is enough to prove the analogous statement for the map R \to R^+, where R is the strict henselization of A at the origin and R^+ is its absolute integral closure. Observe that R is a henselian regular local ring whose residue field k is an algebraic closure of \mathbf{F}_ p.

Choose an ordinary abelian surface X over k and a very ample line bundle L on X. The section ring \Gamma _*(X, L) = \bigoplus _ n H^0(X,L^ n) is the coordinate ring of the affine cone over X with respect to L. It is a normal ring for L sufficiently positive. Let S denote the henselization of \Gamma _*(X, L) at vertex of the cone. Then S is a henselian Noetherian normal domain of dimension 3. We obtain a finite injective map R \to S as the henselization of a Noether normalization for the finite type k-algebra \Gamma _*(X, L). As R^+ is an absolute integral closure of R, we can also fix an embedding S \to R^+. Thus R^+ is also the absolute integral closure of S. To show R^+ is not a filtered colimit of flat R-algebras, it suffices to show:

  1. If there exists a factorization S \to P \to R^+ with P flat and finite type over R, then there exists a factorization S \to T \to R^+ with T finite flat over R.

  2. For any factorization S \to T \to R^+ with S \to T finite, the ring T is not R-flat.

Indeed, since S is finitely presented over R, if one could write R^+ = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits _ i P_ i as a filtered colimit of finitely presented flat R-algebras P_ i, then S \to R^+ would factor as S \to P_ i \to R^+ for i \gg 0, which contradicts the above pair of assertions. Assertion (1) follows from the fact that R is henselian and a slicing argument, see More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.23.5. Part (2) was proven in [BhattSmallCMMod]; for the convenience of the reader, we recall the argument.

Let U \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(S) be the punctured spectrum, so there are natural maps X \leftarrow U \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(S). The first map gives an identification H^1(U, \mathcal{O}_ U) \simeq H^1(X, \mathcal{O}_ X). By passing to the Witt vectors of the perfection and using the Artin-Schreier sequence1, this gives an identification H^1_{\acute{e}tale}(U, \mathbf{Z}_ p) \simeq H^1_{\acute{e}tale}(X, \mathbf{Z}_ p). In particular, this group is a finite free \mathbf{Z}_ p-module of rank 2 (since X is ordinary). To get a contradiction assume there exists an R-flat T as in (2) above. Let V \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(T) denote the preimage of U, and write f : V \to U for the induced finite surjective map. Since U is normal, there is a trace map f_*\mathbf{Z}_ p \to \mathbf{Z}_ p on U_{\acute{e}tale} whose composition with the pullback \mathbf{Z}_ p \to f_*\mathbf{Z}_ p is multiplication by d = \deg (f). Passing to cohomology, and using that H^1_{\acute{e}tale}(U, \mathbf{Z}_ p) is nontorsion, then shows that H^1_{\acute{e}tale}(V, \mathbf{Z}_ p) is nonzero. Since H^1_{\acute{e}tale}(V, \mathbf{Z}_ p) \simeq \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits H^1_{\acute{e}tale}(V, \mathbf{Z}/p^ n) as there is no R^1\mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits interference, the group H^1(V_{\acute{e}tale},\mathbf{Z}/p) must be non-zero. Since T is R-flat we have \Gamma (V, \mathcal{O}_ V) = T which is strictly henselian and the Artin-Schreier sequence shows H^1(V, \mathcal{O}_ V) \neq 0. This is equivalent to H^2_\mathfrak m(T) \neq 0, where \mathfrak m \subset R is the maximal ideal. Thus, we obtain a contradiction since T is finite flat (i.e., finite free) as an R-module and H^2_\mathfrak m(R) = 0. This contradiction proves (2).

Lemma 110.76.1. There exists a commutative ring A and a flat A-algebra B which cannot be written as a filtered colimit of finitely presented flat A-algebras. In fact, we may either choose A to be a finite type \mathbf{F}_ p-algebra or a 1-dimensional Noetherian local ring with residue field of characteristic 0.

Proof. See discussion above. \square

[1] Here we use that S is a strictly henselian local ring of characteristic p and hence S \to S, f \mapsto f^ p - f is surjective. Also S is a normal domain and hence \Gamma (U, \mathcal{O}_ U) = S. Thus H^1_{\acute{e}tale}(U, \mathbf{Z}/p) is the kernel of the map H^1(U, \mathcal{O}_ U) \to H^1(U, \mathcal{O}_ U) induced by f \mapsto f^ p - f.

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