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110.11 The category of derived complete modules

Please read More on Algebra, Section 15.92 before reading this section.

Let A be a ring, let I be an ideal of A, and denote \mathcal{C} the category of derived complete modules as defined in More on Algebra, Definition 15.91.4.

Let T be a set and let M_ t, t \in T be a family of derived complete modules. We claim that in general \bigoplus M_ t is not a derived complete module. For a specific example, let A = \mathbf{Z}_ p and I = (p) and consider \bigoplus _{n \in \mathbf{N}} \mathbf{Z}_ p. The map from \bigoplus _{n \in \mathbf{N}} \mathbf{Z}_ p to its p-adic completion isn't surjective. This means that \bigoplus _{n \in \mathbf{N}} \mathbf{Z}_ p cannot be derived complete as this would imply otherwise, see More on Algebra, Lemma 15.91.3. Hence the inclusion functor \mathcal{C} \to \text{Mod}_ A does not commute with either direct sums or (filtered) colimits.

Assume I is finitely generated. By the discussion in More on Algebra, Section 15.92 the category \mathcal{C} has arbitrary colimits. However, we claim that filtered colimits are not exact in the category \mathcal{C}. Namely, suppose that A = \mathbf{Z}_ p and I = (p). One has inclusions f_ n : \mathbf{Z}_ p/p\mathbf{Z}_ p \to \mathbf{Z}_ p/p^ n\mathbf{Z}_ p of p-adically complete A-modules given by multiplication by p^{n - 1}. There are commutative diagrams

\xymatrix{ \mathbf{Z}_ p/p\mathbf{Z}_ p \ar[r]_{f_ n} \ar[d]^1 & \mathbf{Z}_ p/p^ n\mathbf{Z}_ p \ar[d]_ p \\ \mathbf{Z}_ p/p\mathbf{Z}_ p \ar[r]^{f_{n + 1}} & \mathbf{Z}_ p/p^{n + 1}\mathbf{Z}_ p }

We claim: the colimit of these inclusions in the category \mathcal{C} gives the map \mathbf{Z}_ p/p\mathbf{Z}_ p \to 0. Namely, the colimit in \text{Mod}_ A of the system on the right is \mathbf{Q}_ p/\mathbf{Z}_ p. Thus the colimit in \mathcal{C} is

H^0((\mathbf{Q}_ p/\mathbf{Z}_ p)^\wedge ) = H^0(\mathbf{Z}_ p[1]) = 0

by More on Algebra, Section 15.92 where {}^\wedge is derived completion. This proves our claim.

Lemma 110.11.1. Let A be a ring and let I \subset A be an ideal. The category \mathcal{C} of derived complete modules is abelian and the inclusion functor F : \mathcal{C} \to \text{Mod}_ A is exact and commutes with arbitrary limits. If I is finitely generated, then \mathcal{C} has arbitrary direct sums and colimits, but F does not commute with these in general. Finally, filtered colimits are not exact in \mathcal{C} in general, hence \mathcal{C} is not a Grothendieck abelian category.

Proof. See More on Algebra, Lemma 15.92.1 and discussion above. \square

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