Choose a presentation R^{\oplus m} \to R^{\oplus n} \to M \to 0. Dualizing we get an exact sequence
0 \to \mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ R(M, N) \to N^{\oplus n} \to N' \to 0
with N' = \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(N^{\oplus n} \to N^{\oplus m}). A submodule of a module with depth \geq 1 has depth \geq 1; this follows immediately from the definition. Thus part (1) is clear. For (2) note that here the assumption and the previous remark implies N' has depth \geq 1. The module N^{\oplus n} has depth \geq 2. From Algebra, Lemma 10.72.6 we conclude \mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _ R(M, N) has depth \geq 2.
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