Remark 44.2.7. Let f : X \to S be a morphism of schemes. The assumption of Proposition 44.2.6 and hence the conclusion holds in each of the following cases:
X is quasi-affine,
f is quasi-affine,
f is quasi-projective,
f is locally projective,
there exists an ample invertible sheaf on X,
there exists an f-ample invertible sheaf on X, and
there exists an f-very ample invertible sheaf on X.
Namely, in each of these cases, every finite set of points of a fibre X_ s is contained in a quasi-compact open U of X which comes with an ample invertible sheaf, is isomorphic to an open of an affine scheme, or is isomorphic to an open of \text{Proj} of a graded ring (in each case this follows by unwinding the definitions). Thus the existence of suitable affine opens by Properties, Lemma 28.29.5.
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