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44.2 Hilbert scheme of points

Let X \to S be a morphism of schemes. Let d \geq 0 be an integer. For a scheme T over S we let

\mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T) = \left\{ \begin{matrix} Z \subset X_ T\text{ closed subscheme such that } \\ Z \to T\text{ is finite locally free of degree }d \end{matrix} \right\}

If T' \to T is a morphism of schemes over S and if Z \in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T), then the base change Z_{T'} \subset X_{T'} is an element of \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T'). In this way we obtain a functor

\mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S} : (\mathit{Sch}/S)^{opp} \longrightarrow \textit{Sets},\quad T \longrightarrow \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T)

In general \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S} is an algebraic space (insert future reference here). In this section we will show that \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S} is representable by a scheme if any finite number of points in a fibre of X \to S are contained in an affine open. If \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S} is representable by a scheme, we often denote this scheme by \underline{\mathrm{Hilb}}^ d_{X/S}.

Lemma 44.2.1. Let X \to S be a morphism of schemes. The functor \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S} satisfies the sheaf property for the fpqc topology (Topologies, Definition 34.9.13).

Proof. Let \{ T_ i \to T\} _{i \in I} be an fpqc covering of schemes over S. Set X_ i = X_{T_ i} = X \times _ S T_ i. Note that \{ X_ i \to X_ T\} _{i \in I} is an fpqc covering of X_ T (Topologies, Lemma 34.9.8) and that X_{T_ i \times _ T T_{i'}} = X_ i \times _{X_ T} X_{i'}. Suppose that Z_ i \in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T_ i) is a collection of elements such that Z_ i and Z_{i'} map to the same element of \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T_ i \times _ T T_{i'}). By effective descent for closed immersions (Descent, Lemma 35.37.2) there is a closed immersion Z \to X_ T whose base change by X_ i \to X_ T is equal to Z_ i \to X_ i. The morphism Z \to T then has the property that its base change to T_ i is the morphism Z_ i \to T_ i. Hence Z \to T is finite locally free of degree d by Descent, Lemma 35.23.30. \square

Lemma 44.2.2. Let X \to S be a morphism of schemes. If X \to S is of finite presentation, then the functor \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S} is limit preserving (Limits, Remark 32.6.2).

Proof. Let T = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits T_ i be a limit of affine schemes over S. We have to show that \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T) = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T_ i). Observe that if Z \to X_ T is an element of \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T), then Z \to T is of finite presentation. Hence by Limits, Lemma 32.10.1 there exists an i, a scheme Z_ i of finite presentation over T_ i, and a morphism Z_ i \to X_{T_ i} over T_ i whose base change to T gives Z \to X_ T. We apply Limits, Lemma 32.8.5 to see that we may assume Z_ i \to X_{T_ i} is a closed immersion after increasing i. We apply Limits, Lemma 32.8.8 to see that Z_ i \to T_ i is finite locally free of degree d after possibly increasing i. Then Z_ i \in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T_ i) as desired. \square

Let S be a scheme. Let i : X \to Y be a closed immersion of schemes over S. Then there is a transformation of functors

\mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S} \longrightarrow \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{Y/S}

which maps an element Z \in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T) to i_ T(Z) \subset Y_ T in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{Y/S}. Here i_ T : X_ T \to Y_ T is the base change of i.

Lemma 44.2.3. Let S be a scheme. Let i : X \to Y be a closed immersion of schemes. If \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{Y/S} is representable by a scheme, so is \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S} and the corresponding morphism of schemes \underline{\mathrm{Hilb}}^ d_{X/S} \to \underline{\mathrm{Hilb}}^ d_{Y/S} is a closed immersion.

Proof. Let T be a scheme over S and let Z \in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{Y/S}(T). Claim: there is a closed subscheme T_ X \subset T such that a morphism of schemes T' \to T factors through T_ X if and only if Z_{T'} \to Y_{T'} factors through X_{T'}. Applying this to a scheme T_{univ} representing \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{Y/S} and the universal object1 Z_{univ} \in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{Y/S}(T_{univ}) we get a closed subscheme T_{univ, X} \subset T_{univ} such that Z_{univ, X} = Z_{univ} \times _{T_{univ}} T_{univ, X} is a closed subscheme of X \times _ S T_{univ, X} and hence defines an element of \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T_{univ, X}). A formal argument then shows that T_{univ, X} is a scheme representing \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S} with universal object Z_{univ, X}.

Proof of the claim. Consider Z' = X_ T \times _{Y_ T} Z. Given T' \to T we see that Z_{T'} \to Y_{T'} factors through X_{T'} if and only if Z'_{T'} \to Z_{T'} is an isomorphism. Thus the claim follows from the very general More on Flatness, Lemma 38.23.4. However, in this special case one can prove the statement directly as follows: first reduce to the case T = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) and Z = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B). After shrinking T further we may assume there is an isomorphism \varphi : B \to A^{\oplus d} as A-modules. Then Z' = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B/J) for some ideal J \subset B. Let g_\beta \in J be a collection of generators and write \varphi (g_\beta ) = (g_\beta ^1, \ldots , g_\beta ^ d). Then it is clear that T_ X is given by \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A/(g_\beta ^ j)). \square

Lemma 44.2.4. Let X \to S be a morphism of schemes. If X \to S is separated and \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S} is representable, then \underline{\mathrm{Hilb}}^ d_{X/S} \to S is separated.

Proof. In this proof all unadorned products are over S. Let H = \underline{\mathrm{Hilb}}^ d_{X/S} and let Z \in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(H) be the universal object. Consider the two objects Z_1, Z_2 \in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(H \times H) we get by pulling back Z by the two projections H \times H \to H. Then Z_1 = Z \times H \subset X_{H \times H} and Z_2 = H \times Z \subset X_{H \times H}. Since H represents the functor \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}, the diagonal morphism \Delta : H \to H \times H has the following universal property: A morphism of schemes T \to H \times H factors through \Delta if and only if Z_{1, T} = Z_{2, T} as elements of \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T). Set Z = Z_1 \times _{X_{H \times H}} Z_2. Then we see that T \to H \times H factors through \Delta if and only if the morphisms Z_ T \to Z_{1, T} and Z_ T \to Z_{2, T} are isomorphisms. It follows from the very general More on Flatness, Lemma 38.23.4 that \Delta is a closed immersion. In the proof of Lemma 44.2.3 the reader finds an alternative easier proof of the needed result in our special case. \square

Lemma 44.2.5. Let X \to S be a morphism of affine schemes. Let d \geq 0. Then \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S} is representable.

Proof. Say S = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R). Then we can choose a closed immersion of X into the spectrum of R[x_ i; i \in I] for some set I (of sufficiently large cardinality. Hence by Lemma 44.2.3 we may assume that X = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) where A = R[x_ i; i \in I]. We will use Schemes, Lemma 26.15.4 to prove the lemma in this case.

Condition (1) of the lemma follows from Lemma 44.2.1.

For every subset W \subset A of cardinality d we will construct a subfunctor F_ W of \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}. (It would be enough to consider the case where W consists of a collection of monomials in the x_ i but we do not need this.) Namely, we will say that Z \in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T) is in F_ W(T) if and only if the \mathcal{O}_ T-linear map

\bigoplus \nolimits _{f \in W} \mathcal{O}_ T \longrightarrow (Z \to T)_*\mathcal{O}_ Z,\quad (g_ f) \longmapsto \sum g_ f f|_ Z

is surjective (equivalently an isomorphism). Here for f \in A and Z \in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T) we denote f|_ Z the pullback of f by the morphism Z \to X_ T \to X.

Openness, i.e., condition (2)(b) of the lemma. This follows from Algebra, Lemma 10.79.4.

Covering, i.e., condition (2)(c) of the lemma. Since

A \otimes _ R \mathcal{O}_ T = (X_ T \to T)_*\mathcal{O}_{X_ T} \to (Z \to T)_*\mathcal{O}_ Z

is surjective and since (Z \to T)_*\mathcal{O}_ Z is finite locally free of rank d, for every point t \in T we can find a finite subset W \subset A of cardinality d whose images form a basis of the d-dimensional \kappa (t)-vector space ((Z \to T)_*\mathcal{O}_ Z)_ t \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_{T, t}} \kappa (t). By Nakayama's lemma there is an open neighbourhood V \subset T of t such that Z_ V \in F_ W(V).

Representable, i.e., condition (2)(a) of the lemma. Let W \subset A have cardinality d. We claim that F_ W is representable by an affine scheme over R. We will construct this affine scheme here, but we encourage the reader to think it through for themselves. Choose a numbering f_1, \ldots , f_ d of the elements of W. We will construct a universal element Z_{univ} = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B_{univ}) of F_ W over T_{univ} = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R_{univ}) which will be the spectrum of

B_{univ} = R_{univ}[e_1, \ldots , e_ d]/ (e_ ke_ l - \sum c_{kl}^ m e_ m)

where the e_ l will be the images of the f_ l and where the closed immersion Z_{univ} \to X_{T_{univ}} is given by the ring map

A \otimes _ R R_{univ} \longrightarrow B_{univ}

mapping 1 \otimes 1 to \sum b^ le_ l and x_ i to \sum b_ i^ le_ l. In fact, we claim that F_ W is represented by the spectrum of the ring

R_{univ} = R[c_{kl}^ m, b^ l, b_ i^ l]/\mathfrak a_{univ}

where the ideal \mathfrak a_{univ} is generated by the following elements:

  1. multiplication on B_{univ} is commutative, i.e., c_{lk}^ m - c_{kl}^ m \in \mathfrak a_{univ},

  2. multiplication on B_{univ} is associative, i.e., c_{lk}^ m c_{m n}^ p - c_{lq}^ p c_{kn}^ q \in \mathfrak a_{univ},

  3. \sum b^ le_ l is a multiplicative 1 in B_{univ}, in other words, we should have (\sum b^ le_ l)e_ k = e_ k for all k, which means \sum b^ lc_{lk}^ m - \delta _{km} \in \mathfrak a_{univ} (Kronecker delta).

After dividing out by the ideal \mathfrak a'_{univ} of the elements listed sofar we obtain a well defined ring map

\Psi : A \otimes _ R R[c_{kl}^ m, b^ l, b_ i^ l]/\mathfrak a'_{univ} \longrightarrow \left(R[c_{kl}^ m, b^ l, b_ i^ l]/\mathfrak a'_{univ}\right) [e_1, \ldots , e_ d]/(e_ ke_ l - \sum c_{kl}^ m e_ m)

sending 1 \otimes 1 to \sum b^ le_ l and x_ i \otimes 1 to \sum b_ i^ le_ l. We need to add some more elements to our ideal because we need

  1. f_ l to map to e_ l in B_{univ}. Write \Psi (f_ l) - e_ l = \sum h_ l^ me_ m with h_ l^ m \in R[c_{kl}^ m, b^ l, b_ i^ l]/\mathfrak a'_{univ} then we need to set h_ l^ m equal to zero.

Thus setting \mathfrak a_{univ} \subset R[c_{kl}^ m, b^ l, b_ i^ l] equal to \mathfrak a'_{univ} + ideal generated by lifts of h_ l^ m to R[c_{kl}^ m, b^ l, b_ i^ l], then it is clear that F_ W is represented by \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R_{univ}). \square

Proposition 44.2.6. Let X \to S be a morphism of schemes. Let d \geq 0. Assume for all (s, x_1, \ldots , x_ d) where s \in S and x_1, \ldots , x_ d \in X_ s there exists an affine open U \subset X with x_1, \ldots , x_ d \in U. Then \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S} is representable by a scheme.

Proof. Either using relative glueing (Constructions, Section 27.2) or using the functorial point of view (Schemes, Lemma 26.15.4) we reduce to the case where S is affine. Details omitted.

Assume S is affine. For U \subset X affine open, denote F_ U \subset \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S} the subfunctor such that for a scheme T/S an element Z \in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T) is in F_ U(T) if and only if Z \subset U_ T. We will use Schemes, Lemma 26.15.4 and the subfunctors F_ U to conclude.

Condition (1) is Lemma 44.2.1.

Condition (2)(a) follows from the fact that F_ U = \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{U/S} and that this is representable by Lemma 44.2.5. Namely, if Z \in F_ U(T), then Z can be viewed as a closed subscheme of U_ T which is finite locally free of degree d over T and hence Z \in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{U/S}(T). Conversely, if Z \in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{U/S}(T) then Z \to U_ T \to X_ T is a closed immersion2 and we may view Z as an element of F_ U(T).

Let Z \in \mathrm{Hilb}^ d_{X/S}(T) for some scheme T over S. Let

B = (Z \to T)\left((Z \to X_ T \to X)^{-1}(X \setminus U)\right)

This is a closed subset of T and it is clear that over the open T_{Z, U} = T \setminus B the restriction Z_{t'} maps into U_{T'}. On the other hand, for any b \in B the fibre Z_ b does not map into U. Thus we see that given a morphism T' \to T we have Z_{T'} \in F_ U(T') \Leftrightarrow T' \to T factors through the open T_{Z, U}. This proves condition (2)(b).

Condition (2)(c) follows from our assumption on X/S. All we have to do is show the following: If T is the spectrum of a field and Z \subset X_ T is a closed subscheme, finite flat of degree d over T, then Z \to X_ T \to X factors through an affine open U of X. This is clear because Z will have at most d points and these will all map into the fibre of X over the image point of T \to S. \square

Remark 44.2.7. Let f : X \to S be a morphism of schemes. The assumption of Proposition 44.2.6 and hence the conclusion holds in each of the following cases:

  1. X is quasi-affine,

  2. f is quasi-affine,

  3. f is quasi-projective,

  4. f is locally projective,

  5. there exists an ample invertible sheaf on X,

  6. there exists an f-ample invertible sheaf on X, and

  7. there exists an f-very ample invertible sheaf on X.

Namely, in each of these cases, every finite set of points of a fibre X_ s is contained in a quasi-compact open U of X which comes with an ample invertible sheaf, is isomorphic to an open of an affine scheme, or is isomorphic to an open of \text{Proj} of a graded ring (in each case this follows by unwinding the definitions). Thus the existence of suitable affine opens by Properties, Lemma 28.29.5.

[1] See Categories, Section 4.3
[2] This is clear if X \to S is separated as in this case Morphisms, Lemma 29.41.7 tells us that the immersion \varphi : Z \to X_ T has closed image and hence is a closed immersion by Schemes, Lemma 26.10.4. We suggest the reader skip the rest of this footnote as we don't know of any instance where the assumptions on X \to S hold but X \to S is not separated. In the general case, let x \in X_ T be a point in the closure of \varphi (Z). We have to show that x \in \varphi (Z). Let t \in T be the image of x. By assumption on X \to S we can choose an affine open W \subset X_ T containing x and \varphi (Z_ t). Then \varphi ^{-1}(W) is an open containing the whole fibre Z_ t and since Z \to T is closed, we may after replacing T by an open neighbourhood of t assume that Z = \varphi ^{-1}(W). Then \varphi (Z) \subset W is closed by the separated case (as W \to T is separated) and we conclude x \in \varphi (Z).

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