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Compare with [Proposition 2.3, Etale-coverings]

Lemma 28.15.3. Let X be a Noetherian scheme. The following are equivalent

  1. X is geometrically unibranch (Definition 28.15.1),

  2. for every point x \in X which is not the generic point of an irreducible component of X, the punctured spectrum of the strict henselization \mathcal{O}_{X, x}^{sh} is connected.

Proof. More on Algebra, Lemma 15.106.5 shows that (1) implies that the punctured spectra in (2) are irreducible and in particular connected.

Assume (2). Let x \in X. We have to show that \mathcal{O}_{X, x} is geometrically unibranch. By induction on \dim (\mathcal{O}_{X, x}) we may assume that the result holds for every nontrivial generalization of x. We may replace X by \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(\mathcal{O}_{X, x}). In other words, we may assume that X = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) with A local and that A_\mathfrak p is geometrically unibranch for each nonmaximal prime \mathfrak p \subset A.

Let A^{sh} be the strict henselization of A. If \mathfrak q \subset A^{sh} is a prime lying over \mathfrak p \subset A, then A_\mathfrak p \to A^{sh}_\mathfrak q is a filtered colimit of étale algebras. Hence the strict henselizations of A_\mathfrak p and A^{sh}_\mathfrak q are isomorphic. Thus by More on Algebra, Lemma 15.106.5 we conclude that A^{sh}_\mathfrak q has a unique minimal prime ideal for every nonmaximal prime \mathfrak q of A^{sh}.

Let \mathfrak q_1, \ldots , \mathfrak q_ r be the minimal primes of A^{sh}. We have to show that r = 1. By the above we see that V(\mathfrak q_1) \cap V(\mathfrak q_ j) = \{ \mathfrak m^{sh}\} for j = 2, \ldots , r. Hence V(\mathfrak q_1) \setminus \{ \mathfrak m^{sh}\} is an open and closed subset of the punctured spectrum of A^{sh} which is a contradiction with the assumption that this punctured spectrum is connected unless r = 1. \square

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