Remark 33.36.11. Let $p > 0$ be a prime number. Let $S$ be a scheme in characteristic $p$. Let $X$ be a scheme over $S$. For $n \geq 1$
viewed as a scheme over $S$. Observe that $X \mapsto X^{(p^ n)}$ is a functor. Applying Lemma 33.36.2 we see $F_{X/S, n} = (F_ X^ n, \text{id}_ S) : X \longrightarrow X^{(p^ n)}$ is a morphism over $S$ fitting into the commutative diagram
where the right square is cartesian. The morphism $F_{X/S, n}$ is sometimes called the $n$-fold relative Frobenius morphism of $X/S$. This makes sense because we have the formula
which shows that $F_{X/S, n}$ is the composition of $n$ relative Frobenii. Since we have
(details omitted) we get also that
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