Proof of (1). Assume Y is separated over S and Z \subset X is a closed subset proper over S. Endow Z with the reduced induced closed subscheme structure and apply Morphisms, Lemma 29.41.10 to Z \to Y over S to conclude.
Proof of (2). Assume f is universally closed and Z \subset X is a closed subset proper over S. Endow Z and Z' = f(Z) with their reduced induced closed subscheme structures. We obtain an induced morphism Z \to Z'. Denote Z'' = f^{-1}(Z') the scheme theoretic inverse image (Schemes, Definition 26.17.7). Then Z'' \to Z' is universally closed as a base change of f (Morphisms, Lemma 29.41.5). Hence Z \to Z' is universally closed as a composition of the closed immersion Z \to Z'' and Z'' \to Z' (Morphisms, Lemmas 29.41.6 and 29.41.4). We conclude that Z' \to S is separated by Morphisms, Lemma 29.41.11. Since Z \to S is quasi-compact and Z \to Z' is surjective we see that Z' \to S is quasi-compact. Since Z' \to S is the composition of Z' \to Y and Y \to S we see that Z' \to S is locally of finite type (Morphisms, Lemmas 29.15.5 and 29.15.3). Finally, since Z \to S is universally closed, we see that the same thing is true for Z' \to S by Morphisms, Lemma 29.41.9. This finishes the proof.
Proof of (3). Assume f is proper and Z \subset Y is a closed subset proper over S. Endow Z with the reduced induced closed subscheme structure. Denote Z' = f^{-1}(Z) the scheme theoretic inverse image (Schemes, Definition 26.17.7). Then Z' \to Z is proper as a base change of f (Morphisms, Lemma 29.41.5). Whence Z' \to S is proper as the composition of Z' \to Z and Z \to S (Morphisms, Lemma 29.41.4). This finishes the proof.
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