Example 93.8.1 (Rings). Let \mathcal{F} be the category defined as follows
an object is a pair (A, P) consisting of an object A of \mathcal{C}_\Lambda and a flat A-algebra P, and
a morphism (f, g) : (B, Q) \to (A, P) consists of a morphism f : B \to A in \mathcal{C}_\Lambda together with a map g : Q \to P which is f-linear and induces an isomorpism Q \otimes _{B, f} A \cong P.
The functor p : \mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{C}_\Lambda sends (A, P) to A and (f, g) to f. It is clear that p is cofibred in groupoids. Given a k-algebra P, let x_0 = (k, P) be the corresponding object of \mathcal{F}(k). We set
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