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Lemma 93.13.1. Let A' \to A be a surjective map of Noetherian rings with nilpotent kernel. Let A \to B be a finite type flat ring map. Let S \subset B be a multiplicative subset such that if \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) is not syntomic at \mathfrak q, then S \cap \mathfrak q = \emptyset . Then B has a flat lift to A' if and only if S^{-1}B has a flat lift to A'.

Proof. This proof is the same as the proof of Lemma 93.12.3 but easier. We suggest the reader to skip the proof. Choose an A-algebra surjection P = A[x_1, \ldots , x_ n] \to B. Let S_ P \subset P be the inverse image of S. Set P' = A'[x_1, \ldots , x_ n] and denote S_{P'} \subset P' the inverse image of S_ P.

Suppose A' \to B' is a flat lift of A \to B, in other words, A' \to B' is flat and there is an A-algebra isomorphism B = B' \otimes _{A'} A. Then we can choose an A'-algebra map P' \to B' lifting the given surjection P \to B. By Nakayama's lemma (Algebra, Lemma 10.20.1) we find that B' is a quotient of P'. In particular, we find that we can endow B' with an A'-flat P'-module structure lifting B as an A-flat P-module. Conversely, if we can lift B to a P'-module M' flat over A', then M' is a cyclic module M' \cong P'/J' (using Nakayama again) and setting B' = P'/J' we find a flat lift of B as an algebra.

Set C = S^{-1}B. Suppose that A' \to C' is a flat lift of A \to C. Elements of C' which map to invertible elements of C are invertible. We choose an A'-algebra map P' \to C' lifting the A-algebra map P \to C. By the remark above these maps pass through localizations to give surjections S_ P^{-1}P \to C and S_{P'}^{-1}P' \to C' (for the second use Nakayama's lemma). In particular, we find that we can endow C' with an A'-flat S_{P'}^{-1}P'-module structure lifting C as an A-flat S_ P^{-1}P-module. Conversely, if we can lift C to a S_{P'}^{-1}P'-module N' flat over A', then N' is a cyclic module N' \cong S_{P'}^{-1}P'/\tilde J (using Nakayama again) and setting C' = S_{P'}^{-1}P'/\tilde J we find a flat lift of C as an algebra.

The syntomic locus of a morphism of schemes is open by definition. Let J_ B \subset B be an ideal cutting out the set of points in \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) where \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) is not syntomic. Denote J_ P \subset P and J_{P'} \subset P' the corresponding ideals. Observe that P' \to S_{P'}^{-1}P' is a flat ring map which induces an isomorphism P'/J_{P'} = S_{P'}^{-1}P'/J_{P'}S_{P'}^{-1}P' by our assumption on S in the lemma, namely, the assumption in the lemma is exactly that B/J_ B = S^{-1}(B/J_ B). We conclude that our lemma is a consequence of Lemma 93.12.2 provided we can show that B_ g lifts to an A'-flat P'_ g-module for g \in J_ B. However, the ring map A \to B_ g is syntomic and hence lifts to an A'-flat algebra B' by Smoothing Ring Maps, Proposition 16.3.2. Since A' \to P'_ g is smooth, we can lift P_ g \to B_ g to a surjective map P'_ g \to B' as before and we get what we want. \square

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